warrior cats gathering call

Prey is running well. -- Fadingstorm, "I'm Lionpaw," the big red tom decided to introduce himself to the brown-and-white tabby, who blinked away her surprise and welcomed his greeting with a wide grin. Reminding him how much he hated MoonClan. The medicine cats inform their leaders of the. No, Bloompaw didnt even know if. she felt the same way - Bloompaw, Petuniaheart sighed "A journey? Despite her punishment, Foggypaw was sure to try and make friends. 12. Meet other fans of Erin Hunter's Warriors series by creating your own character. He shrugged. He scolds Bramblestar for the dog being chased into their territory, but it's gone now. He curled a lip and took a step back, only to find a lean tabby before him. She stunk of LakeClan. Warrior Cats RPG Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. They undergo training with their mentor, usually every day, and have tests (minor assessments) every moon to check their progress. "I better get back to them. Warriors use this chance to meet their friends from other Clans and exchange information. Another point is that even as Clan leader, you are certainly able to go on patrols, and this is pretty common in the books. 4. "Hey - um, I'm Dustpaw. At least there were no clouds. Just because I'm not related to you doesn't mean you can say bad things about me. She does not reveal that Mistystar and Reedwhisker have died. Some rogues passed through the edges of their territory, but they left without causing any trouble. Fourtrees is a large hollow at the center of all four Clan territories. War Cat Keychains - 32 Characters, Choose Your Own Sets, 2" Keychains, Birthday Gifts. an orange cat - Morninglight, representing the sunrise). Leafstar plans to lead her Clan back to the gorge if the others won't help her. "Hello," he mewed, as he joined them, his gazed fixed on Wolfy. "You might know Yasbelle, she's my younger sister. "Hey." - Iceheart, As the clans left, Bloompaw padded after her mentor, though paused by PEtuniaheart So? Medicine cats are highly honored in the Clans. You're about as vibrant as the full moon itself." Good, at least he is making friends! The first thing a deputy is expected to do is organize patrols. Newleaf has brought plenty of prey to the forest. Harestar announces that the changes to the warrior code were accepted by StarClan, and Fernstripe wishes to join ThunderClan to be with Shellfur. How could they be so foolish as to expand their numbers in the middle of a water crisis? Sweet, gentle, kind ]. TikTok video from Blazing Stars (@blazingstarswarriors): "First Gathering!!! You will be the mentor of [new apprentice], and I expect you to pass on all you know to them. WindClan will give land if the other Clans do. You are able to be your own warrior, and live the life of a Clan cat, whether as a playful kit, a young, eager apprentice, a brave warrior, a bossy queen, an old, retired, elder that has protected their Clan for moons, a skilled medicine cat, or perhaps a legendary leader. Shadowsight questions the legitimacy of his vision. I think there's one of those larger kits following me around right now." Firestar prompts Bramblestar to find a way to remember those who died. Nervous about what she was going to tell. A Gathering is a meeting of the Clans, and is held on the night of a full moon. His ears raised, and the leader quickly batted it off with a paw. They had trouble with a fox, but some warriors drove it out. ThunderClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. You gonna be okay? Padding back to CliffClans outpost. Hit the Submit button to get your reward. "It's fine." When you are speaking out of roleplay, you should use some other symbol to represent that. Did he just. Was that a She paused, maybe it was a sign? Thrushstar. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. SteppeClan has always been known for taking in rogues, but that's how we are. Robinpaw turned around and saw Wolfy. She relaxed a little before turning her head back. They are usually taken care of by other Clanmates, and tell stories, like the mythical clans LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan, former battles of the Clans, difficult leaf-bares, etc. He flicked his gaze up to Foxstar, whose gaze seemed to widen at the mention of his medicine cat and brother-in-paw. FadingstormWho had called out his name? Crowfrost stands in for Rowanstar since he is ill. Crowfrost reports that WindClan has refused a vital herb for them to curse their. Tensions are high. He looked down in embarassment. It was teeming with cats, when he spotted one of the cats that came with LakeClan. Oh. Both medicine cat and apprentice lays down before the Moonpool and dream. Im sure your clan has some bit of water somewhere. She meowed. They are restricted to not eat any prey while hunting, as they are to only bring it back to camp. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. Up, high in the sky, the moon and the stars shine brightly illuminating the world below them in a haze of silver light. Blazepaw asked "Like about the drought?" Cute, Im flattered. He gritted his teeth. Strikestone and Yarrowleaf are now warriors. -- Swiftpaw (MC), "U-Uhhh" What if this cat was trying to interrogate him and force information out of him? She looked like the type he could make an outstanding impression on. SkyheartCrafts. "O-Oh! "I'm Hollyflight. A small problem has occurred on RiverClan territory, which made them leave their camp temporarily. He thought back to when he was with the rouge group, after he had left his family. We have a few new warriors and some new apprentices." Twolegs in their territory are greatly affecting them, and Blackstar wishes to rearrange the boundaries, saying that ThunderClan should give some of their territory to ShadowClan. You'll get used to them after a while, and maybe even receive one of your own later," She looked around at all of the cats around. "Don't think about that, Talonpaw." Wellmaybe LakeClan will just die out. "Hello," -Hollyflight&Robinpaw (LC), Wolfy nodded. The following are just a few things to keep in mind while roleplaying. Clearly, the golden-coated tom was awfully full of himself. Soon, her gaze rested on her medicine cat. "How are you?" Hi Blazepaw! She meowed. "And I guess you're LakeClan,"Finally! - Bloom, Swiftpaw squinted bitterly at the LakeClan cats, listening as the other leaders complained about their water complications. Join them as they go through the series. - Stormspirit, Iceheart relaxed when she saw some other semi familiar faces. She paused. Such a strong word, a word that could bring out the worst, or best in anyone. Then to her mentor and Drizzlepaw. SkyClan's territory is sheltered in a valley. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. (If anyone wanna talk to him, thats fine-) -Wolfy, Blazepaw sighed looking around her to hopefully find Iceheart,"I Kinda want to stay by the side of one of my clan-mates,Nettlesoar and Fadingstorm are busy,RosepawI don't think she would like me hanging out with her,Iceheart and Talonpaw are my options i guess..I'll look for Iceheart" Blazepaw said as she talk to herself in her head,she then went to find Iceheart- LovableBlazepaw, Mossfeather nodded at Drizzlepaw to come closer to her. However, they must carry out many duties, such as pulling ticks, or changing bedding. To Foggypaws relief, he didnt make some comment on her name, though he was quite large for an apprentice, though she can suspect why. Once the problem is resolved, they will move back. Lionpaw had always been proud of his own name. She turned to Wolfy to listen to the answer. However, if they were not a fit leader and/or didn't make it to StarClan yet, it will be the one before them. They chased a fox back into, Prey is running well. They also use this time, if necessary, to ask for help from others, such as when WindClanasked RiverClanfor drinking rights in their territory, when a drought shortened their water supply. They have trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help they will serve their Clan for many moons. Foxstar cocked his head, then caught something on the edge of the rocks. Redpaw started spinning around frantically, looking for the scary thing. --Foxstar, Nettlesoar, & Talonpaw, Wolfy raised his eyebrow, then noticed a cat at the front had faceplanted, and he realized Robinpaw was right. There was a strange glimmer in the red apprentice's blue orbs before he turned and marched back to MoonClan's ranks. i see why Ravinekit looks up to her" Blazepaw looked to Ripplestar then to the other clan leaders "I know the right cats will be chosen.".-Blazepaw, Iceheart took a wry step back. - Bloompaw, Blazepaw nodded and followed Iceheart, "Yea-i wasn't but Starclan makes the right choises" Petunia said to Bloompaw "You weren'tright?" They are starting border patrols around the entire lake. -- Rainstar, Swiftpaw blinked before huffing softly to himself. "Oops, didn't see you there," Robinpaw mumbled. They told me: 'two grains of grass from the steppes, two pebbles from the cliffs, two shards from the moon, and two fish from the lakeit is together that the weather will return. He broke his paw as an apprentice and was renamed Twistedpaw, eventually obtaining his warrior name based on his injury). For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. They usually play with the kits during their spare time. -- Rainstar, Spotpaw hid among his clanmates, fumbling around his paws nervously. Brokenstar claims that ShadowClan is stronger than ever. Guess I won't be saying anything after all. ShadowClan has had problems with Twolegs by the lake. A Gathering is a peaceful meeting of the Clans on the night of a full moon. ShadowClan has nearly finished rebuilding their camp. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. Ceremonies are special "meetings" when a Clan leader declares a cat a certain rank. She gulped. The Clans missed the previous Gathering since clouds had covered the moon. This guide is here to help improve your roleplaying skills, step-by-step. "Oh, uhm, hey. A little nervous, though a bit excited. His mind flashed to Gingerfrost. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Was it a fever? She looked around for someone to help. Or make any friendships between clans, Im sure you already knew that. He meowed as he looked at teh moonlight as it glistened on his claws. "Don't you have a clan name yet?" Rogue. He rolled his eyes. I wonder --Argent, Petunia turned to Larchtail "Don't mind Raggedpaw,He isn't to fond of Former Rouges and Kitty-pets like me and Wolfy"- Petuniaheart, Ospreypaw frowned, he was so. bored. If it was a sign, why dont they just move some heavy clouds over and save us themselves. She hissed to Lilypaw lowly. Im Rosepaw. She meowed politely. Medicine Cat Apprentice: A medicine cat apprentice trains under the Clan's medicine cat, and has chosen to devote their life to helping their Clan with herbs and knowledge in healing, instead of combat. Am I seriously falling for this tom?? Bluestar announces that Brokentail is blind, claiming he is not a threat. Swiftpaw wasnt the friend making type either - Foggypaw, After the moon's glow had touched the chosen cats, it was covered in a thick band of clouds after Wolfstar furrowed his brow out of rage. A kit becomes an apprentice at 6 moons and becomes a warrior at 12 moons when they pass their final assessment. - Wolfy, Ignoring Raggedpaw Petuniaheart looked to Wolfy and said "Things happen and even if their bad you can't beat yourself up about itIts in the past Painful memories are painful if you think about them to much"- Petuniaheart, Wolfy shook his head. Ripplestar glanced over at Iceheart and Blazepaw. One lone cat walks briskly through the breezy air, the starlight at his feet not even bending to the wills of the weather. He looked to the warriors. I guess you werent chosen by the moon? I dont know Before she turned her gaze to Fadingstorm. Firestar attempts to reveal Tigerstar's bloodthirsty history, but a thunderstorm interrupts him. Rabbits are scarce due to snow, but WindClan is healthy. "LakeClan has found itself with several new faces. Surely Petuniaheart would take her with her if she was chosen? [Apprentice name], from this moment on you will be known as [new warrior name]. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. Under the boulder, much like in MoonClan, lies the leader's den. Pika! They have three new warriors: Onestar accuses Firestar that he was to start an invasion, and that one of his warriors had been scouting on WindClan territory. "StarClan has shone its guidance over us and selected Patchwhisker and Silverdawn." ThunderClan is thriving. Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony: (Ceremony Held with Clan . Who was that? RiverClan still hunts on WindClan's land. Firestar grants ShadowClan the clearing after moons of conflict. Starclan honors your (virtue #1) and (virtue #2), and we welcome you as a full warrior of (name of clan). Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. "They have reiterated a prophecy, a way to bring back our water. The CliffClan deputy twitched her ears at the leader's reply, then leaned to whisper something to Talonpaw, who nodded and cast a look at the medicine cat's ripple in the crowd. Brenna knows nothing about the series, Maureen is a long time fan. "MoonClan won't be attending. He wasn't as panicked as he should be. Fireheart and Graystripe leave to speak with. What was this? However, it can be interesting if a rogue trespasses the border, or even requests to join the Clan. Hollyflight and someone else Im pretty sure. She meowed. Respect your ancestors Rosepaw. She scolded. It is considered a great honor to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. The patrols are vigilant, as usual. Medicine cats are respected Clan cats and no cat dares argue with them. Crowfood - A dead prey animal that has begun to rot can also be used as an insult (see below). So it's time I took an apprentice.I have chosen a cat who has shown (virtue.Ex.great interest in following the path of a medicine cat).Your next medicine cat will be (apprentice's name). Im sure MoonClan wont want all three clans coming down on them. She shot a final glare at Wolfstar for refusing to send his cats before she leaped down. Dustpaw's thoughts swirled in his head. When the moon is full, the Gathering begins. They too have rogue intruders in their forest. H-hello! Foggypaw approached the snowshoe tomcat, Im Foggypaw! That's what Thrushstar founded us on. Clouds do not cover the moon. The silver tabby tom felt an overwhelming sensation of bitter resentment towards the arrogant golden tom (although Swiftpaw couldn't talk- he was no better). Rowanstar is struggling to hold his Clan together. She knew that it was nothing but negativity- what the clans needed was some optimism, socialization, fun conversations! It will be for a short time, and they are sorting out the trouble. Medicine cat: Then come forward Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. Following some of Slash's rogues integration within the groups, First full moon meeting. No. A grassy ridge with a stream, surrounded by oak and pine trees. If you are being a kittypet, roleplaying with multiple people makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. I think this might be some sort of sign. She admitted. For example, here are some different styles- . They are usually missed upon due to everyone wanting action, so here are the ceremony templates for your roleplay, as well as some tips. His/Her name will be __________, because _________. Tawnypelt is now a warrior. "Nothing," Dustpaw quickly put in. -- Spotpaw, Foggypaw cocked her head to where SteppeClan had astray, she frowned, poor tiny apprentice, she wondered if it would be alright if she could talk with him. Grant her/him your wisdom and insight so that he/she may understand your ways and heal her/his clan in accordance with your will. However, they must be tested by their host Clan before joining. All these smells are confusing my nose." Hello Fadingstorm! She meowed. Rainstar called for silence, glancing down at the several strange faces. He shrugged. ! He yowled. Prey is running well. Even if the floodwaters were more managable now, it was a long way to walk with cold wet limbs. Fadingstorm, medicine cat of CliffClan, does what my sister does but way better because he has many generations of practice and experience. In the forest, this meeting was held at Fourtrees, while at the lake, this place has been moved to the island. Prey is running well. 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warrior cats gathering call

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