the most dangerous game pdf with line numbers

He had not been entirely clearheaded when the chteau gates snapped shut behind him. After he was overthrown in the Russian Revolution, a civil war erupted in Russia; those who supported Czar Nicholas and the Russian monarchy formed what was termed the White army and unsuccessfully fought the revolutionary Red army. I went in-to the armyit was expected of noblemen's sonsand for atime commanded a division of Cossack cavalry, but my real in-terest was always the hunt. A certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place. The night is also described through personification; it pressed its blackness over the yacht, as if the night acted with deliberation. By many methods he tried to put himself to sleep. The pent-up air burst hotly from Rainsford's lungs. "As for me," sighed the general, "I do not feel so well. \"Rainsford!\" screamed the general. ", The general smiled. Well, I must beg you to excuse me now. Downa watercourse, not a quarter of a mile away, he could see thebush moving. They're from the Spanish bark Sanlcar that had the bad luck to go on the rocks out there. He thought he heard steps within; thedoor remained closed. But it's gotten into sailor lore, somehow. . What are the most memorable father/son books that you have in your book collection? The weak of the world were put hereto give the strong pleasure. \"Follow Ivan, if you please, Mr. Rainsford,\" said the general.\"I was about to have my dinner when you came. The general was playing with him! ", "I've always thought," said Rainsford, "that the Cape buffalo is the most dangerous of all big game. The word has great significance as the story continues. I don't know why. Rainsford, with an effort, held his tongue in check. They pointed alongthe cliff in the direction he had been going. I'm really not feeling well.\" \"Ah, indeed?\" the general inquired solicitously. Then he felt an impulse tocry aloud with joy, for he heard the sharp crackle of the break-ing branches as the cover of the pit gave way; he heard thesharp scream of pain as the pointed stakes found their mark.He leaped up from his place of concealment. As quarry is used here, it refers to an animal pursued by a hunter. Laughter shook the general. The last shot waswhen he trailed it here and finished it.\" He examined the ground closely and found what he hadhoped to findthe print of hunting boots. Rainsford is a world-class hunter. Rainsfords referring to the fable shows that he is employing every means to escape Zaroff. He was deliciously tired, he said to himself, as he locked himself in. Many of them afford only themost elementary sort of problem. No other hunting compares with it for aninstant. The darkness of the night prevents Rainsford from seeing the rocky shore clearly, further endangering him. The stone steps were real enough; the massive door with a leering gargoyle for a knocker was real enough; yet above it all hung an air of unreality. Rainsford froze there, every muscle tensed for a spring. \"You'll have a cocktail, Mr. Rainsford,\" he suggested. end, he had plunged along, spurred on by the sharp rowers ofsomething very like panic. The story begins while two hunters - Rainsford and Whitney. You'll find that my clothes will fit you, I think.". You're joking.\" \"Not at all,\" said the general.\"I never joke about hunting. endstream endobj 828 0 obj <>stream The short story, " The Most Dangerous Game " is said to take place in the early 1920's on a small island somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. Ever nearer drewthe hounds. The quicksand that Rainsford steps into is described here with a simile, comparing it to a giant leech, a bloodsucking parasite. The lights from the windows sent a flickering illumination that made grotesque patterns on the courtyard below, and Rainsford could see moving about there a dozen or so huge black shapes; as they turned toward him, their eyes glittered greenly. It sent ashudder of cold horror through his whole being. He gave no sign that he understood Rainsford's words, or that he had even heard them. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Here the author is foreshadowing the possible danger of this new mysterious island as well as informing the reader of the loss of life that has occurred on the island elevating the possible tension and mystery. Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound tohis earsthe most welcome he had ever heardthe mutteringand growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore. This book is available for free download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. Some He makes kings, some beggars. Rainsford had hardly tumbled to the ground when the pack took up the cry again. I suggest you wear moccasins; they leave a poorer trail. You'll find that my clothes will fit you, I think.\" It was to a huge, beam-ceilinged bedroom with a canopiedbed big enough for six men that Rainsford followed the silentgiant. The baying of the hounds drew nearer, then still nearer, nearer, ever nearer. He lunged for it; a short, hoarse cry came from his lipsas he realized he had reached too far and had lost his balance.The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of theCaribbean Sea dosed over his head. He had high cheekbones, a sharpcut nose, a spare, dark facethe face of a man used to giving orders, the face of an aristocrat. I killed my first bear in the Caucasus when I was ten. Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of ismurder.\" The general laughed with entire good nature. ___ Ivan dies. As the word is used here, strike means to encounter or to run across. Rainsford creates a complex forest track during his head start before ascending a tree. What a great short story, action and suspense to the end. The first thingRainsford's eyes discerned was the largest man Rainsford hadever seena gigantic creature, solidly made and black beardedto the waist. Isuggest you wear moccasins; they leave a poorer trail. I, luckily, had invested heavily in American securities, so I shall never have to open a tearoom in Monte Carlo or drive a taxi in Paris. He began to count his strokes; he could do possibly a hundred more and then. Hunting at night is so much more exciting than by day, don't you think? Your woodcraft against mine. Turning to the giant in uniform, the general made a sign. With flying fingers he wove a rough carpet of weeds and branches and with it he covered the mouth of the pit. Three days hence we can discuss it over a bottle of VeuveCliquot, unless\" The general sipped his wine. \"Bah! ", "General," said Rainsford firmly, "I wish to leave this island at once. Off to the right he heard it,and his ears, expert in such matters, could not be mistaken.Again he heard the sound, and again. Down a watercourse, not a quarter of a mile away, he could see the bush moving. ", To Rainsford's questioning glance the general said, "Ennui. He was finding thegeneral a most thoughtful and affable host, a true cosmopolite.But there was one small trait of .the general's that madeRainsford uncomfortable. Duskcame, then darkness, and still he pressed on. Two slight annoyanceskept him from perfect enjoyment. I have to stock the island. \"How extraordinarily droll youare!\" he said. This is really an inspira-tion. . Even so zealous a hunter as General Zaroff could not trace him there, he told himself; only the devil himself could follow that complicated trail through the jungle after dark. Rainsford.". There was a medieval magnificence about it; it suggested a baronial hall of feudal times with its oaken panels, its high ceiling, its vast refectory tables where twoscore men could sit down to eat. Some wounded thingby the evidence, a large animalhadthrashed about in the underbrush; the jungle weeds werecrushed down and the moss was lacerated; one patch of weedswas stained crimson. Ivan walks in with Rainsfords modest equipment for his time as prey as he exits the dining area. My name is Sanger Rainsford of New York City.". Rainsford forces himself to remain silent at this point and not argue further with Zaroff, perhaps because he had seen the glint of anger in Zaroffs eyes and knows that he is in the presence of a very dangerous man. . The animal had nothing but hislegs and his instinct. Ah, well, doubtless you had Purit-an ancestors. \"I had to invent anew animal to hunt,\" he said. Rainsford, crouching there, could not see the general, nor could he see the pit. "You will be amused, I know. Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound to his earsthe most welcome he had ever heardthe muttering and growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore. Do you think the champagne hassuffered from its long ocean trip?\" \"Not in the least,\" declared Rainsford. General Zaroff had an exceedingly good dinner in his great paneled dining hall that evening. General Zaroff did not appear until luncheon. A gargoyle is a grotesque, frightening representation of a human face or an animal carved out of stone. "I suggest to one of them that we go hunting. Under one arm he carried khaki hunting clothes, a haversack of food, a leather sheath containing a long-bladed hunting knife; his right hand rested on a cocked revolver thrust in the crimson sash about his waist. Amenities refers to things that provide comfort, convenience, or pleasure. Hewas a very rich man with a quarter of a million acres in theCrimea, and he was an ardent sportsman. Now you want clothes, food, rest. \"I've read your book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet,you see,\" explained the man. That was suicide. He reached it. Think and Grow Rich PDF Download [January 2022], Fortnite APK Download for Android (January 2023), Clash of Clans APK Download for Android (January 2023), Minecraft APK Download For Android (January 2023). What scientific prediction from old books would you like to see come true? Open navigation menu. Ivan laid out an evening suit, and Rainsford, as he put iton, noticed that it came from a London tailor who ordinarilycut and sewed for none below the rank of duke. His face was set and he forced the machinery of his mind to function. Not far from where he landed, he stopped. So intent was the Cossack on his stalk-ing that he was upon the thing Rainsford had made before hesaw it. ", "Simply this: hunting had ceased to be what you call 'a sporting proposition.' Straining his eyes, he saw the lean figure of Gen-eral Zaroff; just ahead of him Rainsford made out another 21 Choosing to hunt jaguars in the Amazon rainforest supports the idea that Whitney and Rainsford are experienced and adventurous hunters. \"No, general,\" he said. The lights of the yacht as it moves away from Rainsford in the darkness are described with a metaphor, calling them ever-vanishing fireflies. The metaphor emphasizes the growing distance between Rainsford and the yacht and the danger in which he now finds himself, alone in the sea. startxref So I bought this island built this house, and here I do myhunting. The softness of the earth had given him an idea. He made a straight trail that offered no problems at all. Some wounded thingby the evidence, a large animalhad thrashed about in the underbrush; the jungle weeds were crushed down and the moss was lacerated; one patch of weeds was stained crimson. Skilled horsemen and fierce warriors often known for their brutality, many Cossacks fought in the armies of Russian czars. Zaroffs being worldly and sophisticated, yet choosing to live in isolation, makes him an even more mysterious figure. Moss has a naturally dense and smooth surface. I like so many here read this in HS and have since read several stories and at least one book with the same plot. But he was not quite quick enough; the dead tree, delicately adjusted to rest on the cut living one, crashed down and struck the general a glancing blow on the shoulder as it fell; but for his alertness, he must have been smashed beneath it. The son of Richard E. Connell and Mary Miller Connell, Connell was born on October 17, 1893, in Poughkeepsie, New York. \"I found it quicker than walkingthrough the jungle.\" The general sucked in his breath and smiled. But he was not quitequick enough; the dead tree, delicately adjusted to rest on thecut living one, crashed down and struck the general a glancingblow on the shoulder as it fell; but for his alertness, he musthave been smashed beneath it. Once again, the night is described with a simile. On guard,Rainsford \" He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided. %!`]) L#26H9BTG./+s\W3_AMKapc[*Ah&;`qK\!t*,-lnb1O&1R%7 Rainsford had hardly tumbled to the ground when the packtook up the cry again. He shrugged his shoulders. ", "Oh," said the general, "I give him his option, of course. Invariably, Mr. Rainsford, invariably they choose the hunt. This refers to the Amazon River, which flows through the Amazon rainforest, located mainly in Brazil. He knew where he was now. This descriptive detail makes the chateau seem creepy and ominous. But may I not venture to suggest thatyou will find my idea of sport more diverting than Ivan's?\" He nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood,scowling, his thick arms crossed on his hogshead of chest. They can reason, after a fashion. He staggered, but he did not fall; nor did he drop his revolver. The general smiled the quiet smile of one who has faced an obstacle and surmounted it with success. \"You've done well, Rainsford,\" the voice of the general called.\"Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs.Again you score. 11 'as ifthe air about us was actually poisonous. "Splendid! This description of Zaroff conflicts with his disturbing physical appearance, suggesting that he may not be what he seems to be. To create a second trap, he sacrifices his knife and fastens it to a tree, and when Ivan steps into it, the trap kills him. Rainsford did not want to believe what his reason told himwas true, but the truth was as evident as the sun that had bynow pushed through the morning mists. Those fishy blue eyes helda look I never saw there before. Crimson is a deep red color. Symbolic --- showing one person can make a change/have an impact on society. Zaroff congratulates him on winning the game, but Rainsford chooses to engage him in combat, claiming that the original hunt is still ongoing and that he is still a beast-at-bay. We are well off the beaten track, you know. I think, Mr. Rainsford, I'll see what you can do against my whole pack. If he does notwish to hunt, I turn him over to Ivan. For a moment he stood there,thinking. I am hungry.\" The man's only answer was to raise with his thumb the ham-mer of his revolver. In context, throb refers to the steady, regular beat or sound of the ships engine as the ship moves through the sea. The general was saving him for another day'ssport! Rainsford is unable to make sense of what Zaroff is saying. \"Sorry you can't go with me tonight,\" called the general. Even cannibals wouldn't live in such a God-forsakenplace. Hunting was beginning to bore me! Out there!\" exclaimed the general, pointing into thenight. But I think I can show you that your scruplesare quite ill founded.\" \"Yes?\" \"Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needsbe, taken by the strong. Anyone held captive who manages to evade General Zaroff, Ivan, and a pack of hunting dogs for three days is released. You'llwant to start, no doubt. Then he added, hastily: "I don't wish you to think me a braggart, Mr. Rainsford. He caught hold of a springy young sapling and to it he fastened his hunting knife, with the blade pointing down the trail; with a bit of wild grapevine he tied back the sapling. Of Russian czars the pack took up the cry again Sanlcar that had the bad to! 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the most dangerous game pdf with line numbers

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