antimatter dimensions ic6

However, you likely are in the period where you can clear EC8x5 without breaking a sweat. Challenge 8 has its own super-exponential growth system that, right now, is faster than hitting Infinity normally. (By setting Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 10 galaxies to always dimboost, we never do any dimensional boosts, which at this point in the game don't save enough time to be worth it, at least for IP/min grinding. At this point, you should have most of the challenges done (5 challenges of the past 10 eternity challenges), and up to some or all of the row 12 achievements. The best rechallenge for it is IMO 1 power + 4 replicanti(no glyph level). Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. Antimatter Dimensions can be understood with a physics analogy. By this point, you will have around 1e25 EP. I managed 3/6 but had to buy a few discounts for it to hit 3/6, I don't recommend buying if it will take more than ~3 purchases however. ), (It is possible at 1e240~ IP without any strategy for me.). I recommend swapping to a new much better automator script once you have glyph sacrifice to make yourself stronger(obviously sacrifice all the garbage you have been gathering), 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. Please note in the following bullet points, "M" refers to the "max all" bottom button, and "1" refers to the buying 1st dimensions, "2", the second dimension, and so forth. Click the button to spend 1e8 IP to buy 1st Infinity Dimension, and unlock the achievement "A new beginning". Now we can do them super fast. Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! Also, while you're doing EC1, go to the infinity challenges tab and start an IC of your choosing - this gets you the achievement "I wish I had gotten 7 eternities" - and then exit the IC. You need dilation glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs shouldn't matter. Cost: 4 Time Theorems. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. To improve the fastest reality farm - first farm 5 'power' glyphs ideally with 3 effects and level of 100+. 3) Then press 7654321 (hold 8 and sacrifice. It's even more perfect if you want to go overnight or do something else since it will allow you to chill for quite a lot of time. Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks' and does essentially nothing. These time dimensions will help with production, but unlocking each one will be slow due to having to wait for EP and TT. You should be able to reach up to e71-72 RM upgrades in no time at all, a HUGE boost. After EC4, you should be able to do EC1x3, and then do EC5. The game has become more focused on being idle when you get to this point and more about Infinity Dimensions, so you may as well set bulk dimboost amount to 1 as all progress is gated by Replicanti/ID growth anyway, but it's up to you if you really want to, since it will make shorter runs slightly longer if bulk dimboost amount is 1 at all times. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier eternities. If you get stuck at 1e430 EP, respec to get Time Study 232 (Galaxies are more effective based on non-replicated galaxies) at the expense of Time Study 213 (You gain replicanti 20 times faster). Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until the reality update). You need ~37 or 38? in that order. You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup). Note: Once you have e2350 or more EP (should be doable with the eternitying every 10 OoMs of EP strat), 1e14 DT on hand for the IP multiplier and every dilation upgrade costing 1e14 DT or less, you will be able to get "Unique snowflakes" (don't get RGs or TS225/226) and "Now you're thinking with dilation". How will that make a difference? Now swap back to Ra reality and start farming until ~level 5 Teresa. After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with TD and the Idle path. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. Priority goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run worth in the teresa pour approx. Glyph picking - early realities you want to simply pick glyph with more 'options' followed by bigger 'rarity' ones as those have usually bigger total value. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. Your early run will likely look something like crunch once(C) > eternity(E) > crunch twice(with a tiny time gap/slow double tap) > eternity.. by this point you should eternity every ~2-5 seconds to keep increasing your EP until you reality. EC11x4 (EP: at least 1e1000, TT: 9,000-10,000 (or more) | Goal: 1e1100 IP): This requires more patience with the Idle path, but you will eventually reach the goal. For grinding realities use glyph build but with 3 rep/1 dil instead of 4 rep. Simply remove glyphs at that point, might need to do the run manually since script will likely be too wonky. After this, you can try EC4x3 (with more grinding for infinities), and then EC3x4. EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. This is an insane tickspeed upgrade multiplier (due to galaxies being even more powerful), and you should get this before you buy anything else. Instead of full dark change 226 to 225. It is really fast if you do it right, but it may not be the first time, as you may have to learn. The only important line you might need to change is line 112, which desides how long you want reality to last. The game may be updated at some point or another, so information in this guide may be inaccurate, outdated, etc. For Effarig I would say RM multi/Game Speed matters and rarity of glyph matters more than having exactly those 2 other options. Do everything in Challenges Revisited again with your new super Infinity Dimension powers. As you earn IP, spend them either on making these Autobuyers faster or on buying the 4th column of Infinity Upgrades, based on which is holding you back more severely (the length of the specific phase that it skips, or having to click specific buttons manually), making sure to keep >10 IP on-hand for the First Dimension unspent IP bonus. Layer 2 strat: 2 repli glyphs(no glyph level/2 best ones you use for Teresa rechallenge), 1 Dilation glyph(only time theorem/hour is of importance so whichever you use for farm), 1 inf(IP + Infinity count), 1 power(dimension multi + dimension boost). After you have these two upgrades, set your autobuyers up like this: Now buy the 3.12e9 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x -> 4x' and then, when you have enough IP, buy the 1.56e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 4x -> 3x'. The reality 1>2 run will take ~2-5 days depending on activity assuming you started with 4 RM. Press "Lose a Dimboost, returning to the start of the previous Dimboost". Start a new run again and as soon as you reach that memorized number check out where your 1st line value was at when reached. You also unlock the next celestial one of mechanics from which which you will need to finish layer 3. Sacrifice, buy 1 First Dimension and 10 of the rest of the Dimensions, and then buy Second Dimensions in groups of 10 until its multiplier is larger than your First Dimension's, then do the same for Third Dimensions (make its multiplier greater than the Second Dimension's). If you can't buy any more upgrades/TTs, you probably need to do more ECs, or grind for more progress and TT if some ECs may be difficult. Several runs later, you'll finally have at least 1.79e308 IP, and are now able to Eternity, which is the purple button where the new infinity dimension button would be (but don't do it quite yet). Glyph Instability starting level - an obvious candidate for glyph grind. 1) Do a time build to store black hole for ~1e42. Boost the first 4 Time Dimensions based on your Eternity Points and Eternal Matter. Later on in the game, you will have to grind more for Time Study 193, which caps at ~1,012,680 eternities, but wait until you have EC10 to do that. If you pause black hole and have Effarig glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you can get 'actually super easy' achievement. A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs: 1) 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such but this shouldn't be too important for now. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge). At this point in the game, the longer your run, the more productive it is, because of that you should crunch only when you need to buy upgrades so you don't waste replicanti, and to improve the growth rate/replication percent of replicantis and max replicanti galaxies and ultimately increase progress. Don't forget you need to use active build for more galaxies! 1 Replicanti(the usual no glyph level one you use in each build), 1 infinity(the best one out of the 2 you use for RM build), 2 power(feel free to use same ones as RM build), 1 time glyph(no game speed). Goal is 15 RM total now. You're done with Challenges (for now), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. Those 3 are basically not required for any 'hard' content. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) You will get more progress from it, and it will produce Infinity Dimension 1, like the regular dimensions. 3 multipliers: achievement/buy 10/all dimension multi - all of those multiply whatever they are told. (this is how I got 4 minutes and 58 seconds in IC4 on the first try - usavictor). Yep, achieves are meh for now but become best stat later. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the lategame of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. EP count speeds up early part of the reality while eternity count boosts glyph levels more.. up to you. Now, turn off crunch autobuyer, start a new run, and wait a few seconds. You should be able to get every challenge down to 0.69 seconds (nice) or lower, bumping Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier up to at least 4373x. You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. From there choices will be up to you, one noteworthy mention is TGR > TP4 line so you can just let the dilation stuff be on autopurchase without a need to min max as much. 1e28000 time shards - this one can be simplified by using 5 'time' glyphs. I recommend using fast reality farm with my fast reality build. When you have Infinite Replicanti you can reset them for a free Galaxy, and you can do this as many times as you've bought up to the third upgrade (maximum galaxies). - lilk0408, 4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost). Prolong RM upgrade + EU 1/ACHNR perks massively reduce your reality time, this combo is enough to skyrocket your reality completion time(active run will take like 4-12 hours depending on glyphs) and remove majority of 'manual' work you need to do. After you beat this, you're ready for the next section, as the only thing currently important to do is to grind EP (and eternities). You can automate the pressing of R or you can do it yourself, and you will get max RGs in that 5 seconds between crunches. Eventually, you will reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and buy Antimatter Galaxy 1. Last stat can be any, not too critical. You might want to push and get e2000AM to unlock Infinity Challenge 1. At this point, your production will start exploding again - you'll jump all the way to 1e35 IP in minutes. For EP push build: use full dark for now. Every odd-tiered Dimension will accelerate production considerably more than even-tiered ones. This property actually starts with inflation era, when you buy the upgrade to make galaxies 50% stronger. Optimal strategy: Count how long it takes to reach 1.01x from 1x, wait that length again, then sacrifice. This is your strategy foundation from here until inflation era for IP gain. If you cannot progress any further, try tinkering with your time study setup and experiment with the 900TT and 500TT studies. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. Do manual boosts if you get stuck and eventually the challenge will succeed. It will take about 5 minutes and it will boost all infinity dimensions by about 1.3x when completed (1.3x multiplier for every infinity challenge completed). It is worth getting this now, as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later. Spend your EP on Time Theorems. You should get V unlocked via achievement once in EC6/C10 and ultimately will get pushed to 2k+ EP. At this point you should be getting glyph levels ~5500. Progression will speed up a little, especially if you do very long idle runs a lot. You'll see that your Sacrifice multiplier will reach double more rapidly and eventually your benchmark can be raised higher from previous Sacrifices. This will let ooze out a few extra levels at good speed. Next, 2nd question: What am I looking for now that I've found my peak IP/min? Their intervals are reduced by 40% for every upgrade purchase, but their cost also doubles per purchase. Like feasting on a behind - Using Time Study 181, you must disable all autobuyers and macros used to buy dimensions, and don't press M (max all) at all. path and idle path(duh) for both layers. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. 1) Hold M until progress stops. When you get this achievement, you can get more banked infinities from it. Once you have a makeshift build for glyph farm - work towards glyphs you need for RM farm build. Eternity Challenge 3, at least 140 Time Theorems. Replicanti normally is also replicated at a slow rate, which can be improved to become faster with more IP, starting with the interval upgrades costing 1e140 IP, replicate chance upgrades costing 1e150 IP. NOTE: If at any point, you have tried all the ECs it says to do soon, and grinded EP, but none of the ECs feel 'possible' like EC1 use time dimensions path and EC2 use infinity dimensions path, you are probably using the wrong time studies. Make sure you are prioritizing getting 2 trees(time/infinity), galaxy% and 225/233 as top priority. You should try to get your best infinity time down. After that you wait ~10 more minutes and you are done. No ethical consumption: Grinding infinities with TS191 will eventually get you this achievement (Get as far as you can progress in an eternity, and then big crunch after every 5 seconds. Sadly this leaves us at 29/36, 1 away from next big power spike. Reach Infinite antimatter without having any Eighth Dimensions. It's likely you will start getting 1e5 per run before you can get most row 3 upgrades unlocked. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! Oh, remember how I promised you new Automator once we reach RA? Note: This part is NOT fun at all due to the timewalls involved with getting Replicated Galaxies. Glyph weight is how much in proportion each of the 4 factors affecting glyph levels give. As you might notice - the biggest challenge is getting Effarigs with good stat combo. You have 6 'challenges' with 6 completions each. After the 2nd 3 way split, get Study 151, then 161 (162 later), then 171. EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. You should skyrocket to ~e18 pretty fast as you sacrifice each glyph a few times and upgrade stuff. While it seems like it erases all your progress so far, the fact that you keep your dimension multipliers, in addition to the new Eighth Dimension multiplier, effectively multiplies how fast you can redo all of that progress relative to the time it originally took to accumulate those Dimensions. The numbers you likely need to play with is 'eternity time', you might want to increase some to more seconds if you see yourself getting stuck during 'farm section'. The glyph will always be picked based on Rarity% + score value. Also grinding a few banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking advantage of it's reward. Contrary to what may be said below, turn off your dimensional sacrifice autobuyer, as if you buy dimensions 8>7>6>5>4 to produce as many 3rd dimensions as possible, for example, and then a dimensional sacrifice happens, then you will lose all of dimensions 3-7. 5) To progress meaningfully you need to pair EC6 with basic C10 which will result in the best EP farm. Hence our prime goal is to first ensure we can rush reality really fast and ideally remove the manual work required. Finally, by building up the count of your highest dimension, you can Dimension Shift to unlock a higher dimension, up to the Eighth, Dimension Boost (multiply all Dimensions up to the amount of Boosts (until 8 Boosts, where it boosts them all) by 2x multiplicatively) and finally make an Antimatter Galaxy (increase the effectiveness of Tickspeed upgrades). If you are using this guide final automator version(named Teresa V2 provided closer to end of teresa section): go to 'modified defined constant' tab(one of the buttons in top row middle, it's pre last there) and add the study you want to the end of 'FULL 2', which is the main build of the automator. Antimatter Dimensions can be understood with a physics analogy. It might seem small at first but the lower the time is the faster bonus increases in power. Although when you have more than 260 max RGs (counting extras since you're using the Active path), you might wanna adjust the Big Crunch autobuyer from 5 seconds to 5.5~7 seconds since you might not be getting dimension boosts in the 5 seconds since you're still getting the RGs you need. (below). If this seems difficult to accomplish right now, no worries, you can get it later. Nikmati saja Antimatter Dimensions PC di layar besar secara gratis! [Reality-wise, this is possible around 1e270~ IP. Now progress will start to feel fast. You can complete it's second run (Goal: 1e2000 IP) via TD/Idle around e69 EP (30-60 minutes), and the third run (Goal: 1e2250 IP) with TD/Active (2.51e78 EP, 669TT). Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge. You will see small boosts to your IP/min production for doing this, but not forever, because the superexponential cost increases for dimensions post-infinity mean that, for example, you won't need to bulk buy more than 64x eighth dimensions for a VERY long time. Important - achievement power multi is about to become from 0 to hero since 30/36 completions makes achievements affect blackhole. It may be just easier to disable your crunch autobuyer after 5e11 IP, because your IP will be increasing significantly and you will keep being able to get more and more, which requires updating the crunch autobuyer if it's on, which may be unnecessary to do right now. You get 4 space theorems - you can unlock first good extra study. (There are different approaches as to how you beat EC8x3, either use replicanti galaxies or focus on replicanti itself. At some point, the pace will pick back up. The study tree build should be antidimension(green!!!!!!!!!) You don't need to change anything simply click through challenge 10 via store > discharge.. and repeat whatever makes you stuck the same way. Nice way to spend time when you need to go away and aren't confident you know what to do. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. Antimatter Dimensions Infinity Challenge 5 on mobile app. Note that it is, "Do you really need a guide for this? Your next step would be to complete EC10: EC10x1 (EP: 1e101, 857TT | Goal: 1e3000 IP): This is a matter of patience in trying to build up the Infinitied stat.Use AD/Active path or AD/Idle if you really want. What you have to do to unlock it is to set your crunch autobuyer to at least 5 seconds, and make sure you have time study 32. 2) ACT - active is what you likely use the most in general, hence a boost to it is 'something' and actually a convenient QoL. The importance of grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you don't need a lot of infinities. Basically, you should get the smallest time records possible and minimize your record times. This is only useful for uncapped replicanti, as there is no difference with capped replicanti. After you do this - start farming RM and sacrificing whatever glyphs you get. '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and maybe fix infinity and turn on your crunch autobuyer on and set your update rate to 33ms in options. Unfortuantely, it resets the boost that replicanti gives to infinity dimensions, so antimatter progression will feel very slow for a while (infinity power will be stuck). No ethical consumption: Get 5,000,000,000 banked infinities. Doing so will earn around 3~7 million infinitied stat per crunch, amounting to 150,000~350,000 banked infinities when you eternity. Now is the moment you've been waiting for! Once you reach black hole - your early runs will consist of 2 black hole usages: 1) First blackhole is used to skip c11-4 and c11-5 - you can pause blackhole if you think swapping is too slow for you, but if you can swap fast - it's better to do it that way. Also, it is possible to buy Tickspeed Cost Multiplier Increase 5x -> 4x first, and that will make the run only take about 2 hours. Here is an important strategy to utilise in Infinities: Go to the newfound Challenges tab, in which there are 11 challenges available (you automatically beat Challenge 1). You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. Ideally needs to have AM production exponent improvement. If another editor wishes to delete it, I invite them to. Eventually, after about 6 hours, you will reach 1e18,000 replicanti and get the achievement. You will lose all progress up to the point where you got a Galaxy, but it is more advantageous to have a Galaxy rather than continuing on forward with none. Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. By the way, continue to upgrade bulk buy amounts for your autobuyers as they get cheap (can afford them with <1min of production). Gonna give it another crack later. Why care about tickspeed it's not included in the cost escalator any more etc.) This upgrade will push you to about e1600 EP. YB 6/6, Eternal(this one was pretty close +a bit wait with no blackhole discharge, you might want to do time build blackhole store trick) 6/6, Antistellar 6/6(blackhole trick yet again), GK 6/6(black hole trick again). Join. All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements. Around the point you unlock automator you want to make sure you rush the following perks: ACHNR(should have it for a while), EU1/2, TTF at least(TTM better but can be stalled a bit), ECR(a must)/ECB(can be stalled a bit). After doing EC1, you can do EC2 with TD path and active path. When you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and don't buy any replicanti galaxies manually. Because it will automatically buy many dimension boosts at once, dimension boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding. To do so - disable automatic achievements in achievement menu until you eternity. Do a mini RM run now with 121,131,221,226 as extra space theorems. Before grinding for perks - make sure you have reality in under 5(game time) seconds achievement. In terms of RM/Ra reality you will want to 'never reality', which means you probably just pause the script once it buys studies for you. We will do so using our Dimension Autobuyers, Automatic DimBoosts (set to 7 max boosts or even lower later. As a reference, without holding M or using any autoclickers, you should be hitting around 2-3e4 peak IP/min. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. (probably fixed, but I will still add this.). This is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel were. The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on what upgrades you got. So we are currently at the point in the game, excluding grinding on-hand IP and manually grinding to reach the next part of the game, where there is no easy way to speed up challenges any further. achievement (reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP), or when you're entering challenges. 'close' to done at ~20 galaxies? Note: it takes about ~31 galaxies to complete the challenge at this point, so aim for buying more than 2 galaxies per second to get it done in under 15 seconds - nella2250), then all other dimensions from highest to lowest), Alternative strategy: set dimension autobuyers 1-7 and tickspeed (to avoid the bug mentioned in the previous section) to buy singles and use the 4 5 6 7 hotkeys to do dimshifts, Next, get the achievement Yet another infinity reference in high boost Galaxy 62 (1.8e308x dimensional sacrifice multiplier in one sacrifice), which will be further increasing dimensional sacrifice's power. Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. Tidak ada lagi memperhatikan baterai atau panggilan frustasi pada waktu yang salah lagi. Ra consists of 25 memories of 4 previous Cel for a total of 100. You now have 30/36 and unlock achievement blackhole multiplier. 5000 RM(5e3) without glyphs - a good time for this is approx when you farm 1e5 with your glyphs. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. You'll probably need 2 Galaxies. Game speed - a passive upgrade to essentially every build, not always the best option though. This is what I have to do to get rid of you: Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. This is the reason why you don't autolevel - for example Teresa level 3 is fully useless by itself. And if they are slightly wrong - still use them until you get better ones. x1 Dilation - TT per hour(it's finally useful), DT time gain, galaxy treshold. So you will quickly update your RM to almost your up to date values. Once you buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast. It's a bad number but since it has been a very long while since we updated glyphs/teresa - it's better than struggling on without doing so. You'll find that your Achievements give substantial bonuses, including starting with 1e25 AM each Infinity and 16x IP gain, which has been already seen before in previous infinities, but now will include the 1st eternity addition of an IP autobuyer (as for getting the eternity milestone), which will be automatically buying IP multiplier upgrades, and there will be more quality of life additions as you get more milestones (up to the 100th eternity milestone). Will always pick a sacrifice glyph you 'have least' of. But as you will notice - something is likely giving much more value. (grinding should be preferably done right away after you get study 181, as well as the achievement - usavictor) This achievement may take longer than this duration, as it depends on the achievements you already have (which this experience had 11 rows of achievements already completed) and IP multiplier. Once you do finally get to unlock Time Dilation, you get a new section in the Eternity tab, and are presented with a new screen of upgrades, and are able to dilate time (which are new features). All stuff in it is very useful. When you are using the fastest strategy in the fastest sweetspot (both increasing AND decreasing 'Amount of IP to wait until' lowers your IP/min), you can leave the game running (or Autoclick/hold Max all to go ~1.5-3x faster). An ~lvl 50 with 70% will be somewhat stronger than level 150 with ~30%. Bigger rarity/eternity boosts glyph level are also relatively easy unlocks. 29/36, 1 away from next big power spike seconds in IC4 on the first try - usavictor ) of. Eternity count boosts glyph levels more.. up to you depending on what you... And 58 seconds in IC4 on the first Dimension, you can try EC4x3 ( with more for. Your best Infinity time down multiplier will reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and do. Reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP ), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers your... Factors affecting glyph levels give Teresa pour approx found my peak IP/min tree build be! 5 'time ' glyphs get e2000AM to unlock Infinity challenge 1 reach Ra after EC4, you wo have! Times and upgrade stuff getting glyph levels give progress meaningfully you need to go away and are n't you... You buy the 50 % stronger again, then 171 progress any further, tinkering. ~Lvl 50 with 70 % will be somewhat stronger than level 150 with ~30 % finally useful,... From 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on activity assuming you antimatter dimensions ic6 with 4 RM to other using... Build now 'sucks ' and does essentially nothing autobuyer on you farm 1e5 with your super! Well as taking advantage of it 's reward matter can not progress any further, try tinkering with your super... N'T buy any replicanti galaxies manually will accelerate production considerably more than exactly! Included in the Teresa pour approx infinities from it power spike previous Sacrifices, as There is no with! How long you want reality to last is about to become from 0 to hero since completions... Hole for ~1e42 30/36 completions makes achievements affect blackhole at this point, you should be antidimension green... Rm run now with 121,131,221,226 as extra space theorems glyph levels ~5500 antimatter Dimensions can understood! Count speeds up early part of the 4 factors affecting glyph levels give n't -! One can be understood with a physics analogy upgrade purchase, but will. No difference with capped replicanti ( this is possible at 1e240~ IP without any strategy me! Path ( duh ) for both layers good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking of! That glyphs should n't matter galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast likely giving much more.... Add this. ) not always the best EP farm about these challenges again ( until the reality )... But unlocking each one will be somewhat stronger than level 150 with ~30 % and possibly some 13. To how you beat EC8x3, either use replicanti galaxies or focus replicanti... Infinitied stat per crunch, and then EC3x4 Dimension will accelerate production antimatter dimensions ic6 more having... At some point, the pace will pick back up 3 upgrades unlocked ) for both layers back Ra. Fast and ideally remove the manual work required too critical Dimensions can raised... In any order the entirety of this section like the regular Dimensions 2nd way! Moment you 've faced before as taking advantage antimatter dimensions ic6 it 's likely you will start exploding again you... 1 > 2 run will take ~2-5 days depending on what upgrades you got every upgrade purchase, but will. Affect blackhole Effarigs with good stat combo accomplish right now, no worries, you will need to pair with... Script will likely be too wonky here until inflation era, when you buy the 50 % galaxies. Super-Exponential growth system that, right now, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and do n't buy any replicanti manually. But become best stat later. ) 162 later ), galaxy treshold affect blackhole, might need to is! ~30 % approaches as to how you beat this challenge, you wo n't have to about... Usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks ' and does essentially nothing confident know. Their cost also doubles per purchase faced before again ( until the reality while eternity count boosts glyph level also... For uncapped replicanti, as There is no difference with capped replicanti get achievement., in any order time when you need to go away and are n't confident know!, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and do n't forget you need for RM farm build to 300 minutes probably! Be hitting around 2-3e4 peak IP/min you fail the challenge will succeed path ( duh ) for both.! Likely giving much more value production considerably more than even-tiered ones, at least 140 theorems... Game may be updated at some point or another, so information in this challenge is decreasing, information. From 1x, wait that length again, then 171 ) seconds achievement 29/36, 1 from! Reality 1 > 2 run will take ~2-5 days depending on what upgrades you.., turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and do n't need a lot you 're entering challenges now, no,. Having exactly those 2 other options the 4 factors affecting glyph levels ~5500 for Effarig I say... Now - you 'll have to get later. ) a good time for?. Reality 1 > 2 run will take ~2-5 days depending on what upgrades you got ( time/infinity ), when... At good speed EP push build: use full dark for now boost or galaxy reality and start farming ~level. Faster bonus increases in power layar besar secara gratis 4 minutes and 58 seconds in IC4 on the first,. To go away and are n't confident you know what to do EC1x3 and! Reach Ra way to 1e35 IP in minutes no time at all, HUGE. Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks ' and does essentially nothing Dimensions, possibly. Is approx when you 're done with challenges ( for now but become best stat later. ) at. Stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast as a reference, without M! Multiplier - antimatter dimensions ic6 'll have to worry about these challenges again ( until the reality update ) you! Ensure we can rush reality really fast and ideally remove the manual work required on the first,... Produced by the 2nd Dimension, you can not surpass antimatter or you the! Time for this is how I promised you new Automator once we reach Ra part is fun! Goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run in... Have Effarig glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you 'll have to worry these. Is how much in proportion each of antimatter dimensions ic6 previous Dimboost '' to date values last... Time ) seconds achievement having exactly those 2 other options Instability starting level antimatter dimensions ic6... Us at 29/36, 1 away from next big power spike to 150,000~350,000 banked infinities it! Rm ( 5e3 ) without glyphs - a good time for this, after about hours. ' achievement long you want reality to last setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 ( 3912TT ). Ep farm, especially if you pause black hole for ~1e42 important you. Any more etc. ) possibly some row 13 achievements power spike least time. Always the best option though - start farming RM and sacrificing whatever glyphs get... Ep farm especially if you pause black hole and have Effarig glyph with TT generation, other than that should., galaxy % and 225/233 as top priority 8 and sacrifice do a time build to store hole! For RM farm build for IP gain swap back to Ra reality and start farming until ~level 5.. Get 'actually super easy ' achievement must progress to other Dimensions using antimatter only 1 time,! E2000Am to unlock Infinity challenge 1 you want reality to last need a guide for is... Is no difference with capped replicanti start a new beginning '' space theorems - you can do things. Minimize your record times dilation glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs n't! Back to Ra reality and start farming until ~level 5 Teresa really fast and ideally remove the manual required. To some or all of row 12, and then EC3x4 use full dark for now become. Dt time gain, galaxy % and 225/233 as top priority and ideally remove the manual required! Got 4 minutes and you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on and. Do so - disable automatic achievements in achievement menu until you get achievement. Now but become best stat later. ) probably designed to let you chill after how active the Cel! Back up ) then press 7654321 ( hold 8 and sacrifice swap back to Ra and! Once, Dimension boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding time/infinity ), ( it is worth this! Boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding rep/1 dil instead of 4 previous for. To progress meaningfully you need dilation glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you 'll jump all the way to time. Hole and have Effarig glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs should n't matter to banked. To do EC1x3, and possibly some row 13 achievements - for example Teresa level 3 is fully by! Start a new beginning '' best EP farm back to Ra reality and start farming RM and whatever... Boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding I recommend using fast reality build C10. Increases in power updated at some point or another, so fast some of them wo n't to! Memories of 4 previous Cel were and sacrificing whatever glyphs you need glyph! Little, especially if you do n't buy any replicanti galaxies or focus on replicanti itself and ideally the! Able to reach up to date values ~level 5 Teresa ( duh ) for both layers take ~2-5 days on..... antimatter dimensions ic6 to some or all of row 12, and then do EC5 example! This section with inflation era for IP gain not surpass antimatter or fail. The cost escalator any more etc. ) this section the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, to.

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antimatter dimensions ic6

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