cyber vulnerabilities to dod systems may include

Therefore, while technologically advanced U.S. military capabilities form the bedrock of its military advantage, they also create cyber vulnerabilities that adversaries can and will undoubtedly use to their strategic advantage. 22 Daniel R. Coats, Annual Threat Assessment Opening Statement, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 29, 2019, available at . See, for example, Martin C. Libicki, (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2013); Brendan Rittenhouse Green and Austin Long, Conceal or Reveal? Additionally, the current requirement is to assess the vulnerabilities of individual weapons platforms. Each control system vendor is unique in where it stores the operator HMI screens and the points database. Upgrading critical infrastructure networks and systems (meaning transportation channels, communication lines, etc.) If cybersecurity requirements are tacked on late in the process, or after a weapons system has already been deployed, the requirements are far more difficult and costly to address and much less likely to succeed.53 In 2016, DOD updated the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS), establishing cybersecurity requirements for defense contractors based on standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2015), 5367; Nye, Deterrence and Dissuasion, 4952. Innovations in technology and weaponry have produced highly complex weapons systems, such as those in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which possesses unparalleled technology, sensors, and situational awarenesssome of which rely on vulnerable Internet of Things devices.37 In a pithy depiction, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein describes the F-35 as a computer that happens to fly.38 However, the increasingly computerized and networked nature of these weapons systems makes it exponentially more difficult to secure them. The Department of Energy also plays a critical role in the nuclear security aspects of this procurement challenge.57 Absent a clearly defined leadership strategy over these issues, and one that clarifies roles and responsibilities across this vast set of stakeholders, a systemic and comprehensive effort to secure DODs supply chain is unlikely to occur.58. A new trend is to install a data DMZ between the corporate LAN and the control system LAN (see Figure 6). All three are securable if the proper firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and application level privileges are in place. 19 For one take on the Great Power competition terminology, see Zack Cooper, Bad Idea: Great Power Competition Terminology (Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, December 1, 2020), available at . A common misconception is that patch management equates to vulnerability management. Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Chief Systems Engineer, Naval Systems of Systems Systems Engineering Guidebook, Volume II. Note that in the case above, Cyber vulnerabilities to dod systems may include All of the above Options. MAD Security approaches DOD systems security from the angle of cyber compliance. Around 68% of companies have been said to experience at least one endpoint attack that compromised their data or infrastructure. 7 The spread of advanced air defenses, antisatellite, and cyberwarfare capabilities has given weaker actors the ability to threaten the United States and its allies. Forensics Analyst Work Role ID: 211 (NIST: IN-FO-001) Workforce Element: Cyberspace Enablers / Legal/Law Enforcement. Mark Montgomery is Executive Director of the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission and SeniorDirector of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news and updates. The most common mechanism is through a VPN to the control firewall (see Figure 10). A surgical attacker needs a list of the point reference numbers in use and the information required to assign meaning to each of those numbers. 1 The DoD has elevated many cyber defense functions from the unit level to Service and DoD Agency Computer . Off-the-shelf tools can perform this function in both Microsoft Windows and Unix environments. Often it is the responsibility of the corporate IT department to negotiate and maintain long-distance communication lines. , Adelphi Papers 171 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies. Specifically, DOD could develop a campaign plan for a threat-hunting capability that takes a risk-based approach to analyzing threat intelligence and assessing likely U.S. and allied targets of adversary interest. Deterrence postures that rely on the credible, reliable, and effective threat to employ conventional or nuclear capabilities could be undermined through adversary cyber operations. It is now mandatory for companies to enhance their ransomware detection capabilities, as well as carry ransomware insurance. The DOD is making strides in this by: Retaining the current cyber workforce is key, as is finding talented new people to recruit. Dorothy E. Denning, Rethinking the Cyber Domain and Deterrence,, Jacquelyn G. Schneider, Deterrence in and Through Cyberspace, in. Additionally, in light of the potentially acute and devastating consequences posed by the possibility of cyber threats to nuclear deterrence and command and control, coupled with ongoing nuclear modernization programs that may create unintended cyber risks, the cybersecurity of nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) and National Leadership Command Capabilities (NLCC) should be given specific attention.65 In Section 1651 of the FY18 NDAA, Congress created a requirement for DOD to conduct an annual assessment of the resilience of all segments of the nuclear command and control system, with a focus on mission assurance. 2 (February 2016). >; Zak Doffman, Cyber Warfare: U.S. Military Admits Immediate Danger Is Keeping Us Up at Night,, Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein, Deterrence and the Cold War,, Robert J. However, one notable distinction is Arts focus on the military instrument of power (chiefly nuclear weapons) as a tool of deterrence, whereas Nyes concept of deterrence implies a broader set of capabilities that could be marshalled to prevent unwanted behavior. 47 Ibid., 25. Borghard and Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion; Brandon Valeriano, Benjamin Jensen, and Ryan C. Maness, Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion. Upholding cyberspace behavioral norms during peacetime. 8 Gordon Lubold and Dustin Volz, Navy, Industry Partners Are Under Cyber Siege by Chinese Hackers, Review Asserts, Wall Street Journal, March 2019, available at ; Zak Doffman, Cyber Warfare: U.S. Military Admits Immediate Danger Is Keeping Us Up at Night, Forbes, July 21, 2019, available at . Wireless access points that allow unauthorized connection to system components and networks present vulnerabilities. But our competitors including terrorists, criminals, and foreign adversaries such as Russia and China - are also using cyber to try to steal our technology, disrupt our economy and government processes, and threaten critical infrastructure. In cybersecurity, a vulnerability is known to be any kind of weakness exist with the aim to be exploited by cybercriminals to be able to have unauthorized access to a computer system. In 1996, a GAO audit first warned that hackers could take total control of entire defense systems. 30 Dorothy E. Denning, Rethinking the Cyber Domain and Deterrence, Joint Force Quarterly 77 (2nd Quarter 2015). The control system network is often connected to the business office network to provide real-time transfer of data from the control network to various elements of the corporate office. Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 104. George Perkovich and Ariel E. Levite (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017), 147157; and Justin Sherman, How the U.S. Can Prevent the Next Cyber 9/11,, As Jacquelyn Schneider notes, this type of deterrence involves the use of punishment or denial across domains of warfighting and foreign policy to deter adversaries from utilizing cyber operations to create physical or virtual effects.31 The literature has also examined the inverse aspect of cross-domain deterrencenamely, how threats in the cyber domain can generate instability and risk for deterrence across other domains. Figure 1 presents various devices, communications paths, and methods that can be used for communicating with typical process system components. But where should you start? Moreover, the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology in modern weapons systems presents an additional set of vulnerability considerations.39 Indeed, a 2019 DOD Inspector General report found that DOD purchases and uses COTS technologies with known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and that, because of this, adversaries could exploit known cybersecurity vulnerabilities that exist in COTS items.40. 65 Nuclear Posture Review (Washington, DC: DOD, February 2018), available at ; Jon Lindsay, Digital Strangelove: The Cyber Dangers of Nuclear Weapons, Lawfare, March 12, 2020, available at ; Paul Bracken, The Cyber Threat to Nuclear Stability, Orbis 60, no. As DOD begins to use and incorporate emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence, into its weapons platforms and systems, cybersecurity will also need to be incorporated into the early stages of the acquisitions process. , Version 2.0 (Washington, DC: Headquarters Department of the Navy, November 6, 2006), 3. 3 (January 2020), 4883. and Is Possible, in Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies, ed. 35 Relatedly, adversary campaigns to conduct cyber-enabled intellectual property theft against the U.S. military and the defense industrial base are also a concern because they continue to cause staggering losses of national security information and intellectual property. large versionFigure 16: Man-in-the-middle attacks. 1 (2017), 3748. Credibility lies at the crux of successful deterrence. True Cyber Vulnerabilities to DoD Systems may include: All of the above DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should: Report directly to your CI or Security Office Under DoDD 5240.06 Reportable Foreign Intelligence Contacts, Activities, Indicators and Behaviors; which of the following is not reportable? 5 (2014), 977. GAO Warns Of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities In Weapon Systems The purpose of the Cyber Awareness Challenge is to influence behavior, focusing on actions that authorized users can engage to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to DoD Information Systems. The costs can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands, payable to cybercriminals in Bitcoin. 1735, 114th Cong., Pub. 3 (2017), 381393. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Richard K. Betts. 5 Keys to Success: Here's the DOD Cybersecurity Strategy The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. For a notable exception, see Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay, eds., Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity, Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of China 2020, The spread of advanced air defenses, antisatellite, and cyberwarfare capabilities has given weaker actors the ability to threaten the United States and its allies. For this, we recommend several assessments to gain a complete overview of current efforts: Ransomware is an increasing threat to many DOD contractors. In addition to assessing fielded systems vulnerabilities, DOD should enforce cybersecurity requirements for systems that are in development early in the acquisition life cycle, ensuring they remain an essential part of the front end of this process and are not bolted on later.64 Doing so would essentially create a requirement for DOD to institutionalize a continuous assessment process of weapons systems cyber vulnerabilities and annually report on these vulnerabilities, thereby sustaining its momentum in implementing key initiatives. Every business has its own minor variations dictated by their environment. In the case of WannaCry, the ransomware possessed the ability to infect entire connected networks from the entry point of a single vulnerable computer meaning that one vulnerability was enough to paralyze the entire system. 13 Nye, Deterrence and Dissuasion, 5455. A backup control center is used in more critical applications to provide a secondary control system if there is a catastrophic loss of the main system. Common firewall flaws include passing Microsoft Windows networking packets, passing rservices, and having trusted hosts on the business LAN. 41, no. , ed. See also Martin C. Libicki, David Senty, and Julia Pollak, Hackers Wanted: An Examination of the Cybersecurity Labor Market, Julian Jang-Jaccard and Surya Nepal, A Survey of Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity,. They make threat outcomes possible and potentially even more dangerous. As illustrated in Figure 1, there are many ways to communicate with a CS network and components using a variety of computing and communications equipment. . A system could be exploited through a single vulnerability, for example, a single SQL Injection attack could give an attacker full control over sensitive data. In this way, cyber vulnerabilities that adversaries exploit in routine competition below the level of war have dangerous implications for the U.S. ability to deter and prevail in conflict above that thresholdeven in a noncyber context. The challenge of securing these complex systems is compounded by the interaction of legacy and newer weapons systemsand most DOD weapons platforms are legacy platforms. 51 Office of Inspector General, Progress and Challenges in Securing the Nations Cyberspace (Washington, DC: Department of Homeland Security, July 2004), 136, available at . But the second potential impact of a network penetration - the physical effects - are far more worrisome. Using this simple methodology, a high-level calculation of cyber risk in an IT infrastructure can be developed: Cyber risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Information Value. This graphic describes the four pillars of the U.S. National Cyber Strategy. Foreign Intelligence Entities seldom use the Internet or other communications including social networking services as a collection method a. Contact us today to set up your cyber protection. However, the credibility conundrum manifests itself differently today. Incentivizing computer science-related jobs in the department to make them more attractive to skilled candidates who might consider the private sector instead. Should an attack occur, the IMP helps organizations save time and resources when dealing with such an event. An attacker who wishes to assume control of a control system is faced with three challenges: The first thing an attacker needs to accomplish is to bypass the perimeter defenses and gain access to the control system LAN. It is common to find RTUs with the default passwords still enabled in the field. In a 2021 declassified briefing, the US Department of Defense disclosed that cybersecurity risks had been identified in multiple systems, including a missile warning system, a tactical radio. As stated in the Summary: DOD Cyber Strategy 2018, The Department must defend its own networks, systems, and information from malicious cyber activity and be prepared to defend, when directed, those networks and systems operated by non-DOD-owned Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) entities. Ensuring the Cyber Mission Force has the right size for the mission is important. Connectivity, automation, exquisite situational awareness, and precision are core components of DOD military capabilities; however, they also present numerous vulnerabilities and access points for cyber intrusions and attacks. 5 For a notable exception, see Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay, eds., Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). All of the above 4. See National Science Board, Overview of the State of the U.S. S&E Enterprise in a Global Context, in. 2 (January 1979), 289324; Thomas C. Schelling. This not only helps keep hackers out, it isolates the control system network from outages, worms, and other afflictions that occur on the business LAN. Automation and large-scale data analytics will help identify cyberattacks and make sure our systems are still effective. This is, of course, an important question and one that has been tackled by a number of researchers. Fort Lesley J. McNair Throughout successive Presidential administrations, even as the particular details or parameters of its implementation varied, deterrence has remained an anchoring concept for U.S. strategy.9 Deterrence is a coercive strategy that seeks to prevent an actor from taking an unacceptable action.10 Robert Art, for example, defines deterrence as the deployment of military power so as to be able to prevent an adversary from doing something that one does not want him to do and that he otherwise might be tempted to do by threatening him with unacceptable punishment if he does it.11 Joseph Nye defines deterrence as dissuading someone from doing something by making them believe the costs to them will exceed their expected benefit.12 These definitions of deterrence share a core logic: namely, to prevent an adversary from taking undesired action through the credible threat to create costs for doing so that exceed the potential benefits. An attacker will attempt to gain access to internal vendor resources or field laptops and piggyback on the connection into the control system LAN. As stated in the, , The Department must defend its own networks, systems, and information from, malicious cyber activity and be prepared to defend, when directed, those networks and systems operated by non-DOD-owned Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) entities. Ensuring the Cyber Mission Force has the right size for the mission is important. A skilled attacker can reconfigure or compromise those pieces of communications gear to control field communications (see Figure 9). See James D. Fearon, Signaling Foreign Policy Interests: Tying Hands Versus Sinking Costs,, 41, no. Two years ago, in the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act [1], Congress called on the Defense Department to evaluate the extent of cyber vulnerabilities in its weapons systems by 2019. 114-92, 20152016, available at <,, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 202. 28 Brantly, The Cyber Deterrence Problem; Borghard and Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion.. 15 See James D. Fearon, Signaling Foreign Policy Interests: Tying Hands Versus Sinking Costs, Journal of Conflict Resolution 41, no. Communications between the data acquisition server and the controller units in a system may be provided locally using high speed wire, fiber-optic cables, or remotely-located controller units via wireless, dial-up, Ethernet, or a combination of communications methods. Washington, DC 20319-5066. Also, , improvements in Russias military over the past decade have reduced the qualitative and technological gaps between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He reiterated . However, GAO reported in 2018 that DOD was routinely finding cyber vulnerabilities late in its development process. MAD Security aims to assist DOD contractors in enhancing their cybersecurity efforts and avoiding popular vulnerabilities. 14 Schelling, Arms and Influence; Erica D. Borghard and Shawn W. Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion in Cyberspace, Security Studies 26, no. 10 Lawrence Freedman, Deterrence (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2004), 26. Ransomware. Instead, malicious actors could conduct cyber-enabled information operations with the aim of manipulating or distorting the perceived integrity of command and control. The business firewall is administered by the corporate IT staff and the control system firewall is administered by the control system staff. 37 DOD Office of Inspector General, Audit of the DoDs Management of the Cybersecurity Risks for Government Purchase Card Purchases of the Commercial Off-the-Shelf Items, Report No. Essentially, Design Interactive discovered their team lacked both the expertise and confidence to effectively enhance their cybersecurity. DODIG-2019-106 (Washington, DC: DOD, July 26, 2019), 2, available at <,, Valerie Insinna, Inside Americas Dysfunctional Trillion-Dollar Fighter-Jet Program,, Robert Koch and Mario Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber SecurityA Challenging Union, in, ed. large versionFigure 7: Dial-up access to the RTUs. The easiest way to control the process is to send commands directly to the data acquisition equipment (see Figure 13). Each control system vendor calls the database something different, but nearly every control system assigns each sensor, pump, breaker, etc., a unique number. National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains, (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2020), available at <,, For a strategy addressing supply chain security at the national level, beyond DOD and defense institution building. In recent years, while DOD has undertaken efforts to assess the cyber vulnerabilities of individual weapons platforms, critical gaps in the infrastructure remain. 3 (2017), 454455. to reduce the risk of major cyberattacks on them. Art, To What Ends Military Power?, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace,. In addition to congressional action through the NDAA, DOD could take a number of steps to reinforce legislative efforts to improve the cybersecurity of key weapons systems and functions. George Perkovich and Ariel E. Levite (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017), 147157; and Justin Sherman, How the U.S. Can Prevent the Next Cyber 9/11, Wired, August 6, 2020, available at . An attacker can modify packets in transit, providing both a full spoof of the operator HMI displays and full control of the control system (see Figure 16). See National Science Board, Overview of the State of the U.S. S&E Enterprise in a Global Context, in Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 (Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation, 2018), O-1; Scott Boston et al., Assessing the Conventional Force Imbalance in Europe: Implications for Countering Russian Local Superiority (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2018). 36 these vulnerabilities present across four categories, The commission proposed Congress amend Section 1647 of the FY16 NDAA (which, as noted, was amended in the FY20 NDAA) to include a requirement for DOD to annually assess major weapons systems vulnerabilities. While hackers come up with new ways to threaten systems every day, some classic ones stick around. The two most valuable items to an attacker are the points in the data acquisition server database and the HMI display screens. This will increase effectiveness. Most control systems utilize specialized applications for performing operational and business related data processing. These tasks are typically performed on advanced applications servers pulling data from various sources on the control system network. With cybersecurity threats on the rise, this report showcases the constantly growing need for DOD systems to improve. In recent years, that has transitioned to VPN access to the control system LAN. Indeed, Nyes extension of deterrence to cyberspace incorporates four deterrence mechanisms: threat of punishment, denial by defense, entanglement, and normative taboos.13 This is precisely because of the challenges associated with relying solely on military power and punishment logics to achieve cyber deterrence. A person who is knowledgeable in process equipment, networks, operating systems and software applications can use these and other electronic means to gain access to the CS. Kristen Renwick Monroe (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002), 293312. Cyber criminals consistently target businesses in an attempt to weaken our nation's supply chain, threaten our national security, and endanger the American way of life. In 1996, a GAO audit first warned that hackers could take total control of defense. That patch management equates to vulnerability management said to experience at least one endpoint that... Way to control the process is to assess the vulnerabilities of individual weapons platforms securable if the proper,! Are the points database been said to experience at least one endpoint attack that compromised their data or infrastructure U.S.. It is common to find RTUs with the aim of manipulating or distorting the perceived integrity command... Network penetration - the physical effects - are far more worrisome networks present vulnerabilities hundred dollars to,! 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cyber vulnerabilities to dod systems may include

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