Apart from being a Politician, Hon. The SLPP and the country require a visionary, confident and enlightened leadership with experience of how the grassroots people feel and live and what needs to be done. Kadi will bring to the leadership arena a new energy, freshness and innovation that inspires hope. We found 1 phone number and email address. This provider currently accepts 32 insurance plans including Medicaid. Kadi served as SLPP Regional Womens leader for the North and worked diligently to contribute in building the capacity of northern women. As President of the Female Parliamentary Caucus, she has been working relentlessly to ensure the affirmative action is enacted into law. agreement & 5 others, Sierra Leone admits to low supply of fuel, Sierra Leone: Audit reveals corrupt practice in defence, agriculture, education, police, Sacked Sierra Leone VP takes case to ECOWAS Court, Sierra Leone detains top football officials, Sierra Leone CSO urges public health emergency, Apathy towards facemask major obstacle to ending pandemic report, Torma Bum rice project to benefit from storage facilities, 2023: The politics of politicsin Sierra Leone. It is now a common feature for false rumors to spread about the demise of public officials, from time to time. The all-girls school was built and furnished by the betting company in support of the governments flagship program the Free Quality Education and was handed over to the government of Sierra Leone last year on the 8th of October, exactly a year when the managing Director made the cash donation to the school last Friday. She opined that Voice of Islam radio is a blessing to the people of this country and there is need for a lot of Islamic awareness to dispel the misconceptions of Islam caused by traditional beliefs. Search for profiles by email and username. 360 views, Contributed She said that Dr. Sesay had also served as a minister under then administration of late President Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. She is the first woman in Sierra Leonean history to head a national commission. He said the building of the school is the largest singlehanded corporate social responsibility project his company has ever embarked on. | One of Sierra Leone's frontline female politicians and former university lecturer, Dr. Kadi Sesay, is presently receiving medical treatment at a hospital in London. She became a Member of Parliament in 2005 under the Sierra Leone Peoples. : Pictures Tell A Thousand Words, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kadi_Sesay&oldid=1132084886, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 05:18. In his remarks Sheikh Farouk Adam Bah commended the Voice of Islam Womens Wing for organising a program which brought together women from all over the country. Thousands of Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) supporters, mostly women joined the presidential running mate of the party Kadie Sesay to observe the Friday 25th May 2012 prayer at the Blama road mosque previously known as Temne mosque, where she called on her brothers and sisters to support her . 1018, New York, NY 10001. Spokeo's database, while extensive, does not contain all U.S. warrant, arrest, court, or other related records. | He said the people of his chiefdom are also delighted for the establishment of the school. One of Sierra Leones frontline female politicians and former university lecturer, Dr. Kadi Sesay, is presently receiving medical treatment at a hospital in London. 775 views, The Patriotic Vanguard 2009 All rights reserved. Cocorioko is Sierra Leone's premier and most widely read online newsmagazine. FAQ; She is currently contesting at National level for the position of Deputy National Chairman of the SLPP. View contact information: phones, addresses, emails and networks. Speaking at the Ceremony of the opening of Dr. Kadie Sesay Memorial Girl's secondary School, the CEO Mercury International, Martin Machael started by recognizing the real heroes and champions of this project - the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Dr. David Sengeh, the Delivery team headed by Grace together with Mariama, Eman, Haja Isata Kamara, Resident Minister North West . OpenPayrolls Toggle navigation. She assured them of her support at all times. She spent 6 years chairperson for the National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights (NCDHR). This salary is 13 percent higher than average and 18 percent higher than median salary in Dept. He said as part of its cooperate social responsibility and in complementing governments free quality education efforts, Mercury International was obliged to come onboard. Supervised the development of VISION 2025, a long term vision for Sierra Leone. The pupil encouraged her colleagues to treat their academic work with seriousness. View Khadija Sesay results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. * Historical, vital, and court records and search results may require an additional purchase. Join Facebook to connect with Kadie Sesay and others you may know. Sheku Ahmed Fantamadi Bangura (photo), the new Minister of Finance of the Republic of Sierra Leone brings 30 years of experience on economic(), Salone News We maintain a deep-seated commitment to the common cause of our dear nation for the goodwill and prosperity of Sierra Leoneans. She received her primary education from the EUB Primary School in Rotifunk, Moyamba District. Established a government Micro-credit scheme that provided micro-credit loans especially to women in all 149 chiefdoms and the Western Region. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in The Teaching of English as a Foreign language, Institute of Education, University of London (1982), Master of Arts (MA) Degree in African Literature, University of Sheffield, England (1974). Hon. Her little daughter was found drowned in a pond 100 feet away. People Search; Sesay; Kadie Sesay; Arkansas; Little Rock; Kadie R Sesay; Kadie R Sesay. Sesay is a widow and the mother of three adult children. 175 views, Contributed Service to the National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights: Five years uninterrupted service as Chairman, Developed and implemented civic education programmes for the first post conflict elections in 1996, Played lead role in the holding of the Bintumani I & II Conferences, Key organizer of The National Consultative Conference on the Peace Process in Sierra Leone, and co-editor of The Road to Peace - the report of the Consultations which served as a reference book during the Lome Peace Negotiations, Member of the Sierra Leone Government Negotiating Team for the Lome Peace Negotiations; and chairman of the Socio-Economic and Human Rights Committee during the Lome Peace Negotiations, Secured funding and facilitated the participation of civil society groups in Sierra Leone as observers at the Lome Peace negotiations, Co-writer of the Sierra Leone National Pledge. Principal of the school, Marion Malia Jiba expressed her gratitude to Mercury International. Dr Kadie Sesay Is Not Dead 2019-09-06 In the course of the week, news making the rounds on the social media is that the former university lecturer and seasoned politician, Dr. Kadie Sesay has passed away in the United States of America, where she has been living for some years for proper medical treatment. Latest news. Commentary In addition to the cash donation, Michael also presented 3,000 (three thousand) exercise books from Print Point (SL) Limited and Ankara, Turkey designed bags to the pupils. Our principal goal is to be the best Online news and entertainment portal for Sierra Leone with unassailable quality of value-added service in news gathering and information dissemination to every Sierra Leonean. Apart from being a former lecturer at Fourah Bay College, Dr. Kadi Sesay was once a cabinet minister in the Government of the late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in the 1990s. A former lecturer at Fourah Bay College, Dr. Sesay later served as cabinet Minister in the SLPP Comments on: Dr Kadie Sesay Is Not Dead WE AT COCORIOKO are very disturbed about the developments. The program was climaxed with crowning of Haja Rakiatu Samai as President. She admonished all to preach the actual Islamic message of the Holy Quran especially to women as the Quran gives them all the right to educate, worship and work in the same way as men. Oversaw the development of a new NGO Policy for the coordination of NGO activities in Sierra Leone. She was the Presidential running mate to Rtd. The Minister of Economic Planning and Development, Dr. Kadie Sesay, yesterday launched the Sierra Leone Association of Women in the Media (SLAWIM) at the China Friendship Hall at Brookfields. Uncategorized; Comentrios fechados em degree theory astrology em degree theory astrology Led the establishment of the Petroleum Products Strategic Stock Programme and the harmonization of petroleum products price across the country. She became a Member of Parliament in 2005 under the Sierra Leone PeoplesParty (SLPP) ticket representing constituency 085 now 094 in the Moyamba district. Such an approach to governance is sure to hamper efforts at alleviating poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and disease. the 30-member organisation would publicize positive and unadulterated truths and After completing her degrees, Dr. Kadie was certified after a two-year internship at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and a conservation medicine residency at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. 0 Fans Like. Kadi believes that Sierra Leone should be the home of all Sierra Leoneans and that Government should support all citizens to pursue their individual dreams in their communities and still bring them together as a single Sierra Leone family. Kadie Major, who was married, was found dead alongside a section of railroad tracks. The business address is 19 West 34th Street Ste. The new state of Israel had its capital city, Tel Aviv, twice invaded by German troops, who committed . With over 30 years of dedicated service to Sierra Leone in the field of teaching, leading democracy and peace building initiatives, and managing the state at ministerial and political party levels, Dr. Kadi Sesay is well-prepared to provide leadership to the SLPP and Sierra Leone. She has served her political party from constituency to district level both as Women's leader. With the help of the Mercury Managing Director, the Regent Chief and Chairman of the CTA, the school chose their first head girl and her deputy together with other prefects. With the support of UN family, she organised a retreat with members of the Female Caucus and her supportive male Champions to chat the way forward and pave the pathway for the enactment of the affirmative action Bill, followed by round table discussion with Civil Society and the relevant stakeholders in the Parliament building shortly after the retreat. The school administration awarded some of the hardworking pupils into administrative positions during celebratory performances. COCORIOKO is produced in Somerset, Franklin Township , New Jersey , USA and Brookfields , Freetown, Sierra Leone. And as Regional Womens leader, Kadi provided assistance to female SLPP candidates at all elections and helped them campaign in their constituencies. They specialize in Internal Medicine, has 43 years of experience.. Dr. Kadie Sesay emphasised that Islam treats women with a lot of respect, giving them rights and responsibilities and made reference to Isha (RA), the wife of the Holy Prophet who was responsible for majority of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet. FQE is the flagship project of the New . Meet Dr. Kadi Sesay: Aspirant for the SLPP Presidential Platform - 2012. Veronica Kadie Sesay acted as Speaker of the Sierra Leone Parliament on the 3, Apart from being a Politician, Hon. Brig. Uncategorized The learned Shiekh emphasised that it is good to advice ourselves to follow Islamic teachings. You have selected an article from the AllAfrica archive, which requires a subscription. SIERRA LEONE: Samura Kamara Is A National Embarrassment. as men would not likely pull them up. To address comments or complaints, please Contact us. Publisher and Chief Executive Officer KABS KANU degree theory astrology. SIERRA LEONE:- People In Glass Houses Must Not Throw Stones. She added that they will ensure that every child gets education, pointing out that currently Sierra Leone is the least in public examination in West Africa. He praised the school authorities for their maintenance of the school. National President for the Voice of Islam Womens Wing, Haja Mariama Fadika, commended the women for heeding their call on that day. From crafting a personalized healthcare plan with you, to accommodating last-minute appointments, your well-being is our priority. Full Name, Age, Job and Education Records. This school means a lot to me because it is a girls school, he said. (501) 673-.css-1y2reja{color:transparent;position:relative;z-index:12;text-shadow:0.1rem 0.1rem 0.6rem #089FE4;}MRYP. Kadie Sesay Secondary School for Girls in Port Sierra Leone to benefit from $3.7bn Investment Package, Strengthening Rural Livelihood Systems Through Micro-finance: EU and WHH funded project to benefit 21,000 households in Kenema, Mile Six: NDMA Commissions Market & Borehole for Mudslide Victims, The demand for energy has risen nationwide Energy Minister, Kissy Industry Company Boosts Garden Plantation Women. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and post graduate Diploma in Local Government Administration. Kadie Major, who was married, was found dead alongside a section of railroad tracks. Kadi was born and grew up in Rotifunk in Moyamba District in the South. Hon. People should have the decency to govern their social media urges. Edward Soluku made a statement on the social mobilisation tour amongst others. (), Salone News According to him, 76% of Sierra Leones population is made up of Muslims and so, he opined that if all of Sierra Leones Muslims followed the teachings of the Holy Prophet, we would see great changes in the country. SIERRA LEONE:- In Kambia, Constituency 062 nominates Kandeh Yumkella for Member of Parliament. [5] She is the mother of CNN International news anchor Isha Sesay. 2 days ago Building Media Capacity through Research, Training and Advocacy. This was exemplified recently when Muslim women came together and called on her to launch the national stadium branch of the Voice of Islam womens wing at a ceremony organised at the National Stadium. She also has to her credit a host of national and international awards such as: All Works of Life (AWOL) as MP of the year in 2008, international award on the fight against EBOLA from the UK, international. [1] She resides in Freetown and has been hailed in the local media as "one of the most beautiful women Sierra Leone ever produced". She also has to her credit a host of national and international awards such as: All Works of Life (AWOL) as MP of the year in 2008, international award on the fight against EBOLA from the UK, internationalSIIKE outstanding film award, National entertainment award for best movie Producer 2018, 50 most influential women award and many more. ');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof window.cf !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document . | NPI number for Dr Kadie Snaza is 1245828326 and her current mailing address is 4631 Whitman Ln Se . This habit of disseminating false messages about Dr Sesay is not only embarrassing to the family, it is also disrespectful to our loved one. Kadie Anderson, DVM, DACZM, is our associate veterinarian. Today, news spread in the social media that she has passed away. Secured for Sierra Leone, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Visa for duty and quota free exports to the US. This has to STOP!, one of the family members said. The Dr Kadie Sesays family at home and abroad, told the Online Patriotic Vanguard that social media report about the death of the former university lecturer was fake and unfounded and it is a categorical lie. In a radio debate in August 2009, Kadi fearlessly exposed the challenges facing the country in two years of APC rule which affectionately earned her the title:the iron lady of the SLPP.. Designed by Richard Songo, Yabom Sesay for APC National Womens Congress Leader, Meet new Finance Minister of Sierra Leone, Timeline for 2023 elections in Sierra Leone, FBC Administration conducts orientation for Freshmen and Women, Sierra Leone: New Chinese ambassador pays courtesy call on Speaker of Parliament, The Patriotic Vanguard, Sierra Leone News Portal. He told the gathering of the pledge he has made to the school and that the fund indicates that the development of the school is not only for the government but CTA also. The social media message was disturbing for many Sierra Leoneans especially when this was not the first time people are sharing fake report about the death of Dr. Sesay, several people took to social media extending condolences, whilst others expressed shock of her alleged death. Brigadier Gen. Julius Madda Bio for the 2012 General Elections. There are 10 professionals named "Kadie Sesay", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Kadie Sesay Found 14 people in Maryland, Virginia and 7 other states. Quite frankly, the last thing my family should be dealing with. The NPI number of Kadie Sesay is 1639449598 and was assigned on January 2012. AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 400 news and information items daily from over 100 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. Antonia Silvera, Michael R Mccool, Jariatu Sesay, Thaimu M Kamara were identified as possible owners of the phone number (703) 451-4965. The report urged the People to govern their social media usage with decency: This habit of disseminating false messages about Dr Sesay is not only embarrassing to the family, it is also disrespectful to our loved one. Dr. Kadie Leach, MD, is an Internal Medicine specialist practicing in Lanham, MD with 44 years of experience. SaloneFactCheck Fact Checking social media trending stories, Increasing media capacity in Sierra Leone to monitor and oversee health care services UNICEF/USAID. Julius Maada Bio has glorified the Managing Director of Mercury International, Martin Edmond Michael in the Northern District Town of Port Loko describing him a true patriot. Kadie E. Leach, MD Internal Medicine Dr. Leach's practice offers a personalized approach to meet your unique needs and busy schedule. She encouraged parents not to force their child to put on the hijab but to instead show their children the importance of the hijab so that they will appreciate the need for it. The initial investigation into Kadie Major's death in January 2008 ended with the authorities ruling that it was a suicide. He advised them to be studious because he envisioned them to be the future leaders. Copyright 2023 . University of Maryland Capital Region Health . Review your doctor Help Millions of people find the right doctor and care they need NEW! Her little daughter was found drowned in a pond 100 feet away. Follow us. Zip code 22153 (Springfield) average . 9 hours ago By:- A.Sesay ( Zaki ). View property details and household demographic information related to income, investments, and interests. We operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Johannesburg, Nairobi and Washington DC. Sierra Leone:-Great men are not always wise,neither do the aged understand judgment. Home As He Unveils "Dr. Kadie Sesay Secondary School for Girls" in Port Loko. Or for more information about becoming a subscriber, you can read our subscription and contribution overview, You can also freely access - without a subscription - hundreds of today's top Africa stories and thousands of recent news articles from our home page , Already a subscriber? Big Brother: Robinson Sesay. Our care is designed with you in mind THE SLPP SOWED THE SEEDS OF TRIBALISM, NEPOTISM, CORRUPTION AND VIOLENCE IN THE POLITICS OF SIERRA LEONE, Hilton Fyle on Sierra Leone Politics: MALADY OF THE S.L.P.P. Powerful social search locates profiles on social networks, dating sites, online shopping, web forums, music platforms, etc. Her father hails from Rhombe, a small village in Lokomasama chiefdom, Port Loko District in the North. Kadie Karen Diekmeyer, also known by her alias ThatVeganTeacher on various social media platforms is a Quebecois Canadian vegan activist, most prevalently known for her videos on YouTube [1] and TikTok. Your email address will not be published. The latest hoax claims that the TikTok star, whose real name is Kadie Karen Diekmeyer, died Earth Day 2022, which falls on April 22. ? The defrauders of Democracy, Ambassador Alimamy Koroma Signs Tripartite MoU with Chinese. Kadi Sesay was born on March 4, 1949 in Rotifunk, Moyamba District, in Southern Sierra Leone, then a British Crown Colony, to parents from the Temne ethnic group from rural chieftaincy town of Rhombe, Lokomasama Chiefdom, Port Loko District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. As soon as it emerged on social media, the BBC s Umaru Fofana was the first to dispel the social media rumour as fake news. Sheikh Farouk Bah identified these 6 qualities to look for a good wife are background, beauty, wealth, religion, someone you like and someone that is productive.He commended the women for the initiative to focus on helping orphans. The Minister said that the school was named after Dr. Kadi Sesay because she is an indigene of Rhombe Village, Lokomasama Chiefdom in Port Loko district. Hospital affiliations include Doctors Community Hospital. She also delivered the women's peace agenda at the 2019 CSW meeting in New York in March 2019. 1 court search result for people named "Kadie Sesay" in the United States. As He Unveils Dr. Top 100 Employers Highest Paid Employees. She was also the head of the National Commission for Democracy and later was Minister of Trade and Industry. Veronica Kadie Sesay acted as Speaker of the Sierra Leone Parliament on the 3rd July 2018 when both the Speaker and Deputy were out of the country. Opinion - Imagine. Permit me to present to you a candidate with a clear sense of purpose,with unrivalled desire to change the sickening narratives,(), Salone News By Sankara Kamara, Arrest Ernest Koroma For Betraying Sierra Leone. Essentially, our goal is to serve you, our readers, and our dear nation better by continuing to be the Voice of Sierra Leone.
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