jennifer brea neurosurgeon

While there are certainly cases of gradual recoveries using supplements, pacing, and mind/body practices, many of the recovery stories involve unusual, out-of-the-box treatments. He doesnt even have ME/CFS and was genuine, heart-felt and went out of his way to help our community raise much needed publicity as well as give so much of his time. Am going through a difficult bout of neck pain right now, and it seems to be because of the variable barometer. Im luckily rather immune to that. Later, the warriors son was thrown from one of the ponies and broke his leg. Jen never had ME/CFS. At one point as I remember she reported that she could do a lot of mental activity but hardly any physical activity. The fact that only four neurosurgeons in the world can be trusted to do this procedure doesnt help. Going by Jens movie, this make sense for her. I have no clue if this surgery makes the neck and spine more flexible or more rigid. Pressure headaches generated by things like yawning, laughing, crying, coughing, sneezing or straining. movement problems in ME/CFS. The fact that the damage correlated with autonomic nervous system problems suggested brainstem problems could be affecting exercise, sleep, the gut and cognition. I had severe post-viral myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). For the first seven years of illness, I had no symptoms I associated with my neck. Thanks. We worked with the best in the field. Prolotherapy? Glad she is feeling better but the vast majority of CFS / ME patients do not have this and some have died in this surgery. So absolutely nothing is lost by knowing this new information, except of the hope for a quick, easy and simple solution for the masses of us. Just like a kid has to take plenty of time to learn basic movements, so had I. I speed up the process by systematically decompose the complex movements in its very basic components and I separately trained these slowly. Jennifer Brea Wiki, Biography, Age as Wikipedia. Such waves travel to the entire jelly brain structure. ME is buried more. Theres no doubt this is not the easy way out for ME/CFS. Even though I have a super sensitive digestive system, and always have, Ive had no adverse affects. NZ is third world by comparison and I am so tired, not just from the illness, but from the complete absence of any support, medical or otherwise. Surgery is considered the last option a good thing, as Jeff lists only four neurosurgeons (3 in the U.S. and one in Europe) proficient in this kind of surgery. People too often tout X as the recovery method when the recovery may well have been just a coincidence; you never know unless you do controlled trial. EDS does run in his family. Some evidence directly implicates the brainstem in ME/CFS. Saying that a viral onset causes this disease it too short of an explanation. Besides all her ME symptoms, she was having trouble breathing, had flaccid limbs, numb, painful and weak legs, and was experiencing difficulty speaking and thinking. What Im really hoping, though, is that Jeff and Jens stories are pointing to a problem area that can be helped with other means. He is located in Brussels, and I have heard of occational home visits. Instead my doctor sent me to PT and it helped.for awhile. I think the question of just what exactly is ME/CFS is going to come up more and more. Her debut feature, Unrest, premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and received the US Documentary Special Jury Award For Editing. It was really hard to read. This is why Im curious if Jens MCAS or mast cell activation came on as a result of environmental trigger (mold) or has a genetic origin. Many people have viral infections but never develop our disease. low vitamin D. Try to make sense of that (because I cannot)?! Unlike Mestinon, it only needs to be taken once or twice a day. Hendes debutindslag, Unrest, havde premiere p Sundance Film Festival 2017 og modtog US Documentary Special Jury Award for Editing. The surgery itself is very harsh to the body. Our disease is very diverse. Dr. Petra Klinge, a pediatric neurosurgeon who specializes in tethered cord syndrome, has proposed that a underlying tethered cord might be a risk factor for developing . I didnt get anywhere. Jennifer Brea is a filmmaker and activist. I felt uneasy writing moderate as well. It was not tolerable and she was in a real bad way before she passed. Its interesting to me to look at the mast cell angle. We will work together . Quite a few cant tolerate it or it doesnt help. It was a much more difficult and riskier surgery than should have been had it taken place 30 years earlier, and recovery was much tougher and longer. We have had to deal with mountains of misinformation over the past 30 years, with a long line of false hopes, quack treatments and cures. Lets instead spread realistic hope that there are answers, varied as they are, to our collective suffering. Yes. It has helped a lot with my pain and function, though not a cure. I only started the Perrin exercises about 6 months ago so that cant be why the hump is lessened. Her spine is still healing, but it seems its just a matter of time before Jen Breas ME/CFS is totally gone. I suspect I hope Dr Perrin is on the right track. Thatll kill you within days. A big difference, in pertinent to this article, is our training in CCI. Recently, after reading an article on the HM website titled, Thiamine, Epigenetics, and the Tale of the Travelling Enzymes, I added Thiamine (a bariatric formulation) to my vitamin and supplement regimen. Maybe, he said. Unless, of course, it works! It was a bit devastating at the time, but I just carried on thinking my memorisation capabilities would return. I can sympathize from bed with your suffering, but can only be amazed at your courage to undergo such surgeries. long story version coming soon. We should also remember how vitally important sharing our stories both our ME/CFS stories and our recovery stories is. Re Jen and Jeffs CCI surgery, if in theory their CCI was caused by inflammation triggered by an enterovirus that caused Classic ME in others, why would treating the CCI heal all symptoms, surely some illness would still be remaining? : Jennifer Brea, from her blogs Thyroid Surgery And Aftermath In June of 2018, she had a total thyroidectomy due to Stage 1 thyroid cancer. Im still waiting This is another interesting bit of research that fits in with the above: One liter of saline x5 week dripped slowly at night took away flu like symptoms. Tip! Chiaribridgesreported that the ideal tests to diagnose CCI and AAI are an uprightMRIwith flexion and extension (bending ones head forward and backward as far as one can) and a 3D CT with rotational views, respectively. If I remember correctly it basically lifted her head off her spine. This is another interesting bit of research that . Even if you dont have CCI/AAI, the search for it may help uncover other problems. That plus certain types of medical marijuana have definitely helped. There are not so many upright MRIs machines and so many doctors who are not so appraised on diagnosing these conditions, will do a regular supine MRI. It also did a number on my lower back. Its going to be interesting figuring this all out! Maybe this piece of information fits into Jennifers recovery story: There is someone on HR forum who has a skeleton structural problem and believes the pelvis takes a key role into this disease. Be sure to check out Jeffs recommendations on his website. According to one neurosurgeon, my 2012 MRI (the self-same that my neurologist used to diagnose me with conversion disorder/hysteria) shows very clear signs of intracranial hypertension, most notably a pituitary gland that has been flattened into a pancake. .adding to the above.. i know this only pertains to some of us. Ill leave Jennifer and others to judge upon how it affects them. Its going to get really interesting! Five years ago, TED Fellow Jennifer Brea became progressively ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome, a debilitating illness that severely impairs normal activities and on bad days makes even the rustling of bed sheets unbearable. At larger doses this may be an issue for sure. It contains Huperzine A (HupA), Thiamine (B1), L-Carnitine and A-GPC (a form of choline) and is available via Amazon. In short: spinal stenosis can potentially (help) disrupt blood and oxygen flow to the brain, cause inflammation of the main spinal nerves leading to a rigid posture and tense muscles wasting energy and more IMO. Jeffs publication of his story may have saved Jens life. Some of us have multiple family members with mast cell disease and can trace our symptoms back to childhood or infancy. However, these policies are limited to in-network providers and facilities. nice article; good perspective in the article and comments on cures, remedies, recoveries message of hope keep trying, everyone! so I am desperate, said and angry to. My ME is in remission. But, because of his broken leg, the warriors son was left behind, and so was spared.. This is such an obstacle that it almost makes me wish Id never heard of CCI! Given the extreme disability sometimes found in ME/CFS, its possible that two of the crucial brain organs involved in movement the motor cortex and the brainstem may have both taken a hit. Jen has said she believes that mold exposure in Beijing may have triggered her MCAS which may have caused collagen degradation which may have led to the CCI the CCI can also trigger mast cells and immune dysregulation as well as POTS, hEDS, etc. I directed the Sundance documentary UNREST and co-founded #MEAction. Thanks again for this coverage of an important topic. Showing up at doctor appointments with published information is the only way I have persuaded doctors to do testing or try treatments. amzn_assoc_link_id = "YV25CNBNF26YD2J5"; Dr. Rowes report highlights how important it is to get Jeff and Jens and others history into a case report in the scientific literature. I benefit enormously from neck traction-like interventions like the neck hammock. Check out the difference between the3T and 1.5T machines). Other people can take of that. At the same time I learned that I still could do very simple basic movements well. He made a conscious effort to use his journalism background and reputation to arrange appointments with key Government decision makers. I havent read the comments above, it occurs to me that Jen would have failed the nano-needle (Ron Davis)/intracellular phenylalanine (Karl Morten)/mitochondrial fragmentation (Bupresh Prusty) tests. This line holds the long tail of the spinal fluid bag. Orthopedic Surgery Female Age 44. I have issues and stenosis, but my spine doc doesnt feel surgery is best option for me. I get taken by ambulance to hospital and the doc says take some will be finethe cop that came into the room with me says to the lady doclady..his head went through the window..he needs an xray..yes the cop says this! Maybe, the warrior said. Im good on interpreting what she says and linking tiny difference in how it feels with what she says about how things are connected. If she had craniocervical instability (or any other variation of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and that explained most all of her symptoms it was not MECFS and never was. Over several years that improved my abilities and life quality from near none to a lot better but still limited. Cervical Traction: Jeff reported that a trained physical therapist who applies cervical traction is the gold standard for home diagnostic efforts. The common thread with all these things is that any form of stress (good or bad) causes reactions in the body which produce toxins as a by-product. What has helped somewhat is daily valacyclovir. Maybe the comments I made on can answer your question. High oxidative and nitrosative stress can also damage the brainstem. My case is in no ways as bad as Jens. Brea's health unraveled three years ago. I imagine there may have been quite a blockage there. Brea also co-created a virtual reality film which premiered at Tribeca Film Festival. Thanks for the informative article, Cort! He thought probably various viruses were responsible. Even with good neurosurgeons surgery is often a crude solution for something that may have an elegant molecular solution in the future . You cant for example just hunker down or hibernate if youve got a nasty gut bacterial overgrowth. Also from SCIG and IVIG when autoimmunity involved. Not a cure, but much improvement in brain fog and fatigue & recovery times from over exertion. So if this mechanical pumping action were important enough for brain blood flow and waste removal then having ME rigid neck and back muscles (and other stuff like connective tissue problems) should pose a challenge to the health of our brains. As you highlight, this type of surgery is very risky it should only be undertaken where the evidence is clear and the surgeon is competent. Jean Bentley Dec 7, 2017 4:20 pm @. For the majority of her career, Julia has been committed to public health and advocacy. But mechanics says that the position of skeleton and surrounding muscles will be determined by the quality of the skeleton, the surrounding connective tissue and the quality of the muscles keeping everything in the wright position. Our goal has to be to assist the medical system in its evolution, to keep the hope alive, to keep sharing, to have the courage to keep knocking on closed doors, and eventually getting the light to shine through. amzn_assoc_width = 265; The neck issues or lack of them, at least at times, in this spinal issue are so interesting. Jennifers case may be a good example of this hypothetical disease mechanism. That means the diagnosis should only be made if after a rigorous and complete workup, there is no known cause for the patients symptoms. After ten weeks of treating his gut microbiome, he has improved out of sight, and it is now a whole year and two months that he has not had any relapses. Hi Cort, my head is LOWER than my feet in my bed. Don't miss another one. There are still the vagal sympathetic synptoms and the neck pain. Our doctor has a high success rate with this for people with our profile which includes MCAD, POTS_OI and EDS type 3 with autoimmune profile Id be happy feeling better at this point. Jeff just interviewed Mattie three months post surgery. Im still waiting ?. The saddest thing is how the healthcare system didnt help at all. amzn_assoc_default_search_key = ""; I had the opportunity to work at a fairly renowned clinic for a brief period that works with people with ME/CFS. I am surprised by how angry I feel, not at Jen, but at the quirks of fate and geography that dictate whether we will receive help or no help at all. For me, toxin buildup in the central nervous system certainly makes sense. In 2011, I became suddenly ill after an acute viral infection. I learned about 2 months ago that Dr. Bolognese read my cervical MRI (standard supine is all he needs, unlike some others) as possible CCI, and have since begun the physical therapy routine that he uses as part of diagnosing whether the MRI findings are clinically significant. She was in Miami dealing with another project while coordinating and gazing in the film Unrest. Jennifer Brea is an American documentary filmmaker and activist. The main thing I know is that NO ONE ever had the slightest intention of solving Unfortunately, I saw a number of diagnoses that were being missed and being labeled as ME/CFS particularly traumatic brain injury hence the opportunity to appropriately treat and for folks to heal was being overlooked. 1 2 43 Jennifer Brea @jenbrea Dec 8, 2021 Jennifer Brea's Medium site - , Jennifer Brea, the creator of Unrest and the cofounder of ME Action, details her craniocervical instability (plus) story - plus provides reviews of spinal study findings that could apply to ME/CFS. When I try to support the body in resolving the problem I believe to perceive I often get a modest amount of improvement. and many of my autonomic manifestations, including POTS, under control. Merck reported that symptom improvement during a procedure called Invasive Cervical Traction (ICT) where ones head is pulled upward by a pulley system can help diagnose CCI/AAI. That said, my older family members all have significant forward neck posture. The common thread between the two is choline, the precursor to the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which appears to be low and/or impaired in people with ME CFS. She can bend her hand flat on her arm. Ten Ways to Prove ME/CFS is a Serious Illness, Fibromyalgia Central: Basic Introductions to FM, 10 Ways to Prove FM is a Real and Serious Disease, Small Fiber Neuropathy (SFN) Resource Center, The Long COVID Clinical Trials: Big Drugs, Big Studiesand More, The Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll, Read her story here:Health update #3: My ME is in remission. However, and I state again, she was not an HEDS patient. Find Jennifer Brea's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. Theres so much education that is needed on so many different fronts. Best wishes to all from your fellow CFSer (16 years and counting; sometimes bedbound). Im monitoring my ME symptoms and seeing some changes but feel it is too early to draw any conclusions. Whether or not she had true ME/CFS is up for debate, but the fact is, her and Jeffs cases could be the catalyst we need for a new direction for research into the complexities of all of these debilitating yet seemingly intricately connected conditions. Hi matthias, Doctors are still in the mode of one-cause-one-disease. I am also copper zinc imbalanced. wrong country. We have a very different lens in looking at chronic conditions vs internal medicine. It means we get to debate whether she really was an ME patient, whether she purely and only was an ME patient, or whether she was ME + HSD. I could hold my head up again. Besides all her ME symptoms, she was having trouble breathing, had flaccid limbs, numb, painful and weak legs, and was experiencing difficulty speaking and thinking. Jen reported that turning her head to the side did cause strange symptoms and that she had been averse to running when healthy. They should be checked immediately to avoid years of disability because treatment exists for many of these problems. In just three days of evaluating me, based on the new imaging . [4]" Has there been any research using Infra red light therapy , it is low cost, non invasive and the target areas are the Gut Microbiota, no medication is required. (X-rays are not sufficient to test for this condition, however.). I do think that if something like Ron Daviss nanoneedle is validated or some other discovery that wakes up the medical is it will spread to Belgium and New Zealand and just about everywhere. The NPI number of Jennifer Brea is 1770123416 and was assigned on January 2020. If you really think you have CCI, go to a if you really think you have cc hi, go to a neurosurgeon. When doctors tell her "it's all in her head," she turns her camera on herself as she looks for answers and fights for a cure. Jennifer Brea. From someone on the Cusack protocol FB group: Hypermobility disorder is diagnosed when the symptoms are primarily joint related. We are lucky shes still alive. His activity level at the time of the surgery was 5/100. I was misdiagnosed with conversion disorder (a modern name for hysteria) and became bedridden. My thyroidectomy has no impact on my ME symptoms, for better or for worse. Like the PACE Trial; garbage in, garbage out. When given the chance, the body can come back from an amazingly debilitated state. One of these docs talked to me about people like us having angry or unhappy brains and he can do procedure on someone and they have major improvement and on another and no major improvement. It helped with pain and some symptoms. Its a slow process but it was and still is to some extend an essential step in increasing my capabilities again after each crash. My symptoms start after I do too much work/exercise that includes my shoulders and neck. If you have a diagnosis of ME or CFS, meet the Canadian Consensus (CCC) or International Consensus (ICC) criteria, and have already been assessed for a mechanical/structural craniocervical or spinal problem by a neurosurgeon, was the result positive or negative? Van Elzakker pointed to four ways the brainstem may be involved in ME/CFS: See The Brainstem, Vagus Nerve, Neuroinflammation and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The VanElzakker Way. Again, none of this has been a cure but with pacing, infection and stress avoidance, and staying within preset limits (total daily steps and anaerobic heart rate), Im less sick and have an improved, albeit still limited, quality of life. Cort, there is a profile of symptoms that our surgeon requires in addition to radiographic confirmation for CCI and tethered cord. Ann again you are right, Doctors are still in the mode of one-cause-one-disease.. With EDS, having cranial instability (in addition to instability in many other places in the body) is quite understandable due to the compromised connective tissue. I just bought an infrared light machine for my husbands arthritis. Retrieved June 3, 2019. These people may also have many of the non-musculoskeletal disorders associated with hEDS, but they do not quite qualify for hEDS. Parasym Plus is a supplement that I take. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe To Health Risings Free Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Information, HEALTH RISING IS NOT A 501 (c) 3 NON-PROFIT. I know. [1][2] But like Ive shared multiple times in comments, my daughter had CCI and mild chiari and tethered cord. In your daughters case it would make sense that having HATS the surgery wouldnt cure anything. I know she was using a wchair but that was because it kept her HR down from the POTS, not because her legs were so weak & wasted that she could no longer walk! FIND SUPPORT Are you patient look for social support or wondering how to get diagnosed? Many of the symptoms I experience seem to point to something the body is trying to resolve. multi- and mold-susceptible genes Shes lifting light weights for 30-90 minutes and getting stronger, not weaker. Both VanElzakker and Barnden are employing those techniques as they continue their brainstem studies in ME/CFS. The cardiologist and the neurosurgeon both said my symptoms could not be explained by these finding and in October of 2008 I was diagnosed with CFS. Quite qualify for hEDS was not tolerable and she was in Miami dealing another! Or lack of them, at least at times, in this spinal issue are interesting... 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