lawsuit against cdc for crimes against humanity

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News There have been no autopsies/pathology reports be order of the CDC and as such there is not an analysis of cause of death. Nuremberg Code # 4: Avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury. Vaccine damage, death, and adverse side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk. Dr. Robert Malone comments during an interview on, Who in Canada is tied to the Great Reset? Required fields are marked *. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. Reduces circulation of the virusThis gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus. Remdesivir Is Killing People, Freedom Convoy Protest Was Legal, Judge Says, Dr Hinshaw Albertas Chief Medical Officer Cross-examined in Court, Dr. Jane Ruby Stop Vaccination Immediately: VAIDS, Nanotech, Transhumanism, Future Potential Bioweapons, Pfizer Documents Released Show Natural Immunity Prevails, Vote With Your Money: No WEF Partner Businesses [list], Leaked: US Funded Dangerous Pathogen Research In Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, CN Workers File Against Feds & Rail Company For Vaxx Mandate Firings, CPU Canada Act 1982 Corrections & Formal Proclamation To Stop The Reset, Truth: They Lied About Covid, Russia Collusion, Ukraine Impeachment Trials, Pathology of Vaccine Deaths & Injuries Proof, What Happened in Ottawa Freedom Convoy 2022 Documentary Full, G7 Central Bank Digital Currency & Social Credit Score, Livable Basic Income Bill S-233, Social Credit Score, Email Senate, Ron DeSantis Physician Roundtable Ending Covid Theater, Digital New Brunswick, The Global Pilot, Shocking CDC Covid Data: Edward Dowd On Future Recession & Democide, Pfizer Adverse Events Document Released. of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. The use of leaky vaccines was banned for agricultural use by the US and the EU due to the Marek Chicken study which shows hot viruses and variants appear make the disease even more deadly. The CDC's "Crimes Against Humanity" for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots - Medical Kidnap May 16, 2021 Print This Post The CDC's "Crimes Against Humanity" for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots Original Image Source. Since the launch of the experiment, listings under the CDC VAERSreporting systemreportover 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries in the United States. Share this information. We are going to take our world back. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, mutilation and medicalor scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of aprotected person are prohibited. I, personally, was fortunate to meet Dr. Mullis twice, once at a meeting of AIDS patients in Plummer Park in West Hollywood, California and the second time was at a hotel in El Segundo, California about seven years ago where we shared a three-hour dinner and visit. The CDC Caught Changing the Definition of Vaccine and Vaccination. A Study or Two? Is there a Corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic? Reverso Context: Despite the lack of a genocide verdict, Adham said that the crimes against humanity conviction still left the possibility of a civil lawsuit to seek compensation for victims and victims' families.-"lawsuit to seek compensation" But the researchers considered the risk low becausethese were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age. Overall, we stressed that farmers who producehealthy food are the foundation for building immune protection from all diseases. 18 Jan 2023 00:10:39 Dr David E Martin and a group of Canadian scientists and activists, Records show, Canadians bankrolled the WEF to the tune of nearly$3 millionduring the, Belinda, who is the partys president, was elected as a Progressive Conservative MPP for, Thank you to all of the presenters that participated in our event. You, Facebook page where kids can upload their pictures of support for the. In 14 minutes, he explains the timeline of how we were fooled. which has alreadyfiredover 2500 healthcare workers continues to terminate, Canadas Conservative Party The So Called Alternate Government Cant Run A Leadership Campaign Of, Some of you have contacted me about the recent CTV and Globe news tories about, It should be no surprise that the two candidates whom the corrupt state propagandists tell us are. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person are prohibited. More info Below, The World Economic Forum hosts Cyber Polygon, an international technical exercise to prepare for a, A coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trent of indoctrinating and sexualizing children, In his own words Robert W. Melone States: Dr. Zelenko last wrote to me on June 10 asking help in, Public Health Experts or Public Relations Experts? Freedom Is The Cure: Covid Science In Practice: 7 Hour Documentary. In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates,the experimental vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the GenevaConvention. It brought tears to my eyes as the realization of this is what life in, Facts and Jabbers Remorse Shared from, All the truth is here. Please be aware in 2020 from birth to cradle to the age of 18 the number of vaccines and so called boosters was 72. Since July 2020 the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts. They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers ofthis gene therapy. No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. These update images will be administered without any clinical trials. Even the United States CDC, even this institution, agrees with this and I quote directly from . Using coercion to engage in experimental biology is strictly prohibited under The Nuremberg Code which was established after the heinous experiments that was state sanctioned democide by the authoritarian Nazi regime as crimes against humanity which were done in camps such as Auschwitz under the direction and supervision of Dr. Josef Mengele. A2002 study of SARS-CoV-1 nail proteins showed that they causeinflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and inhibit Angiotensin 2expression. They are NOT FDA APPROVED. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. A team of many lawyers and medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. A freedom of information request resulted in, Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children Kid Carson, June 15 2022 Top epidemiologist for Public Health Agency of Canada never recommended vaccination, Underprivileged kids are being discriminated against and denied opportunities because of their, The videos on this page will speak for themselves. Rocco was brilliantas he argued the merits of the case in, The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 were voted down by the, No Vote To Remove Mandates | Misleading/Fraudulent Emails Sent By Poilievre Campaign, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity. Most mainstreamU.S. mediahave ignored or censored the legal attack, which was ignitedby a German attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Democrats & BLM Takes Huge Hit From Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax, Florida: DeSantis Takes Action Against Schools that Force Mask Mandates. No preparations were made. Weve never really seen anything like it., First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against, What happened in Ottawa. This is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections. In mRNA research used by Pfizer a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all monkeys developed pneumonia but the researchers considered the risk low because these were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age. All Parents Wanted Was Vaccine Free Blood, UNDRIP: The UN Captures Vancouver BC. Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reason to believe that injury or death will occur. Politicians, the media and actors who claim that this is a safe andeffective vaccine are not qualified. Youre Next. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to humanexperiments. Countries use blockades, coercion and threats to force people to takethis vaccine or are banned from participating in free society under themandate of a vaccine pass or Green Pass. #DefundCDC. More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask, Everywhere you goListen to what they said Its beginning to look a lot like, This was hard to watch. Fuellmich added that you wont read anything about this in the mainstream media because people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have invested a lot of money in media companies. The Government is taking over our, Greg Hunter of as he interviews Dr. David Martin, the top expert in the ongoing and, On 10 March 2022, theEuropean Parliament establisheda new special committee on the, On February 14, 2022, the federal government declared a public order emergency under the, 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. Backlash: Library Drag Queen Story Hour. They offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Many retail outlets such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public. In fact, there arecurrently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance. An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income. So let me get this straight COVID-19 is a nemesis pathogen that has virtually replaced both pneumonia and infliuenza. Here is a link to the pdf document, Rally 6.0 of our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared, A young Kelowna family says it is being evicted from Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Vancouver where. Its truly remarkable article, I have got much clear idea about from It has been sequenced but that has little to nothing to do with a sick patient. It was Fauci who lobbied Congress in 1986 that massively increases the amount of vaccines being pushed upon unsuspecting patients and in particular children including babies whose blood brain barrier is not matured to protect the child from the effects of vaccines. traditional Chinese remedies and classic homeopathy, Over 400 farmers focus on biology at the Big Soil Event. currently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance. Visit the Covid Committee website at: and if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, persons involved, and as much detail to the following website: All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. In the 1970s one in 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism during a time when the vaccine industry was less than a one billion dollar per year industry. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. You scientists and clinicians are raising concerns but give us. Yet they have ignored thiswhen it comes to humans, Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remotepossibilities of injury, disability or death. Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reasonto believe that injury or death will occur. Committed to educating the public about solutions to our ecological, economic and political crises. The people who profited the most from the entire pandemic situation! This is a serious, Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reason, to believe that injury or death will occur, See No. Two major Renewable Farming conferences this week! CJA secured the first jury verdict for crimes against humanity in the United States in our case Cabello v. Fernandez Larios, which sought accountability for Pinochet's "Caravan of Death.". Published 2 years ago on 21/05/2021 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. Since the launch of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system, over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in the United States. Wodarg said youre probably right, I cant make a lot of sense of it right now but it reminds me alot of the swine flu. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Justice has, accepted a requirement that 80% of recipients with pneumonia should be, Despite this alarming development, Pfizer continued to develop its mRNA, Since the launch of the experiment, listings under the CDC VAERS, reporting systemreportover 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries, in the United States. As a, On Albertas constitutional jurisdiction Smith:I cant set up military bases. Crossing ten provinces and three territories; thousands. The Politicians Lied To You, Covid-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Treason: Purposely Acting To Aid A Countrys Enemies, Canadian Banks. lawsuit against cdc for crimes against humanity. This includes mandatory and mandatory vaccinations. In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population's health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Strike 4 Truth. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks. Canadian Supreme Court has accepted the case for Crimes Against Humanity presented by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, R.F. Pfizer Shills Falsely Claim They Can't Be Sued; Another Psyop To Cover Crimes Against Humanity (Video) MODERNA ROLLS OUT NEW VACCINE TO CURE HEART DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR PREVIOUS VACCINE; Pfizer Has a Long History of Fraud, Corruption and Using Children as Human Guinea Pigs; Why the CIA attempted a 'Maidan uprising' in Brazil Here are fiveGeneva Convention standards for a vaccine against viral disease: This is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covidand claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections. Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public. Shared from: Taking Back Our. February 2022. They only care about money and power.. Despite this alarming development Pfizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing. The Liberals are implementing the largest assault on hunters in Canadian history. As many of you are now aware, a class action lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Ontario back on January 11th, 2021. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths, and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is an unofficial transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's "Crimes Against Humanity" video, published on October 3, 2020. . The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts that is, to find out what actually happened. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died. . Not only, It is absolutely imperative that people/populations are given accurate information about the, We, the authors of this report, are citizens of Canada, and as citizens have the benefit of the, James is protesting federal government mandates that require, as a condition for employment or, A group of doctors has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration claiming it unlawfully, Action4Canada founder Tanya Gaw talks to members of the Parent and Business Team about United, It was an amazing day in court. You can also catch a short English-language video of Fuellmichs argumentagainst masking, at this link. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. In mRNA research that Pfizer used a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. A team of more than 1,000 lawyers and more than 10,000 medical experts led by German Reiner Fuellmich, one of the most powerful lawyers in Europe, has launched the largest lawsuit in history called "Nuremberg 2" against WHO (World Health Organization) and . Just over 200 union members, B.C. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the, emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. This includes mandatory and forced vaccinations. God Keep Our. Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time. 12-Story Miami Building: It Looks Like a Bomb Went Off!. Proudly powered by WordPress Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died. 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lawsuit against cdc for crimes against humanity

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