thank you for your diligence in a sentence

(16) He succeeded by virtue of diligence. Conditional Sentences: Examples of the Different Types, What Is a Gerund? The organization's managers are expected to perform due diligence to protect their employees and the resources of their organization. You should find it very easy to use the phrase "due diligence" in a sentence with these examples provided. Even mighty foes will have an Achilles heel which the diligent player can exploit. Answer (1 of 9): This is a great question. Examples of diligence in a sentence, how to use it. Usually, due diligence research provides all the information you need to know about a company. It can also be referred to as the care a sensible or reasonable person shows to avoid danger or harm to their property or other people. 28. There is also business buzzword of "due diligence", derived from the legal meaning to mean the level of care/attention that one would reasonably be expected to take in this situation. Je voulais vous remercier pour votre diligence dans le choix de la rsidence. Do your due diligence and research each contender carefully to be sure the company uses legitimate white hat SEO techniques and is a good fit for your specific needs. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. They do not represent the opinions of Of course, feel free to customize this formal thank you letter and adapt your thank you note to employees to suit your own needs! It impels the church to diligence in its work of worship, care and prayer (13-18), and in the reclamation of the erring (19-20). This isn't a thank-you card, it's a hug with a fold in it. (3) No, thank you. Your contribution and participation are much appreciated. When someone helps you or another person you know, it is always appropriate to send a thank-you note similar to the ones below: Thank you for your service. Keep it up. As soon as indiscriminant breeders started to flood the market, aberrations such as dwarfism in Toy Poodles appeared, along with a host of genetic problems that dedicated and diligent breeders are still trying to irradicate to this day. (Correct Plural Possessive). For these purposes, due diligence goes beyond checking ownership and the like -- it also involves checking the popularity of the keywords that make up the URL against their search engine rankings. Resources offering free tabs typically feature user-submitted selections which may vary in quality, but a diligent search should yield good results. You will be rewarded for your pain. To prevent tooth decay, the child must be especially diligent about keeping the mouth clean and removing food particles that become easily trapped. There was a diligent inquiry and now most believe they acted on correspondence produced by Henry Woods on his own lawyer's request. He was a diligent seeker after the truth, and was perfectly sincere when he informed a critic of the exact number of "truths" he had discovered, and when he remarked to one of his pupils a few days before his death, "Rest assured that what I have written in my book is the truth.". He was largely instrumental in the inauguration of the House of Laymen in the province of Canterbury (1886); he made diligent inquiries as to the internal order of the sisterhoods of which he was visitor; from 1884 onwards he gave regular Bible readings for ladies in Lambeth Palace chapel. (11) His success attest his diligence. Bonaventura (1221-1274) was a diligent student of the Victorines, and in his Itinerarium mentis ad Deum maps. due diligence definition. She clamped her mouth closed, watching him check Selyn's vitals with the urgency and diligence of a man whose life depended upon the results. Thats pretty specific. It's a good deal for those who like to plan in advance and are diligent enough to keep track of shifting prices online. On behalf of Canada's New Government, I thank you for your diligence, and look forward to attending your . 27. His diligent investigations into the efficiency of various illuminants in differing circumstances, and into the best conditions for developing their several maximum powers of brilliancy, while greatly improving the usefulness of the line of beacons along the extensive coast of the United States, effected at the same time a great economy of administration. If you did not read the book and just tried to write the report based off of internet searches or things you made up, you would not be doing your due diligence. Simply put, doing what is expected of you and taking precautions in any given situation is doing your due diligence. Here are a few examples: Technically, due diligence has a slightly more specific meaning in business. Be diligent about reading the user feedback, however, and make sure you know what you'll be getting before you bid. The Max Tour is almost impossible and it will take much diligence on your part to complete the game 100%. I have never seen a hard working person like you before. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. The visitor was Bitski, who served on various committees, frequented all the societies in Petersburg, and a passionate devotee of the new ideas and of Speranski, and a diligent Petersburg newsmonger--one of those men who choose their opinions like their clothes according to the fashion, but who for that very reason appear to be the warmest partisans. You use the phrase when you investigate the assets and liabilities of an organization. Diligence c'est rapidit, promptitude. Slow and steady makes it to the top! We do not expect the process of learning words and phrases to be very smooth and easy. Care and diligence is taken in the kitchen, so each bit of meat and fish when combined with a mere half a spoonful of rice is equal to one mouthful. The survey shows that the industry is introducing enhanced due diligence for sensitive transactions. To recover from one of the most baffling, insidious, compulsive addictions will require diligent effort. Thanks a lot! " Thank you for your cooperation and for your diligence in the process of our file. A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties. Apart from his sophistical defence of Spanish colonial policy, Acosta deserves high praise as an acute and diligent observer whose numerous new and valuable data are set forth in a vivid style. The evidence of date derived from changes in the language is more difficult to formulate, and the inquiry calls for the most diligent use of scientific method and critical judgment. thanks to him we lost the match. Effectivement dans le contexte, les traductions de, "Thank you for your due diligence" seems like a malapropism, confusing the word "diligence" in the sentence "Thank you for your diligence" with "due diligence" (a phrase used in other contexts). In the English dialects of Kent, Essex and Norfolk there is a common change of v to w, but Ellis says (English Pronunciation, V, pp. In everyday life, the meaning of due diligence stands for an exercise in risk mitigation, ie there may be many bad outcomes to be avoided through the action taken, including acting unlawfully. Consequently, advocating organizations have been diligent about gathering research to prove the validity of homeschooling. When you want to use the phrase "due diligence" in the legal sector, it refers to a process legally bound which allows a buyer to evaluate the liabilities and assets of an organization. . He managed diligence investigations at Federal sites. (Now hand over the candy.). This system of execution was simplified by an act of 1837 (Personal Diligence Act), and execution is now usually by diligence (see Execution). He was also a diligent and skilful observer, and busied himself not only with astronomical subjects, such as the double stars, the satellites of Jupiter and the measurement of the polar and equatorial diameters of the sun, but also with biological studies of the circulation of the sap in plants, the fructification of plants, infusoria, &c. Moleschott (1822-1893) made a diligent use of the science of his day in his Kreislauf des Lebens (1852). The phrase "due diligence" also refers to the process of disclosing or gathering reliable and relevant information about a potential purchase, sales, or contract. High quality example sentences with "thank you for your diligence" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English . Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. You are the brain behind the company's most recent success. Whereupon certain theologians (themselves perhaps the authors of it) took occasion to complain of me to the prince and the magistrates; moreover, the stupid Cartesians, because they are commonly supposed to side with me, desiring to free themselves from that suspicion, were diligent without ceasing in their execrations of my doctrines and writings, and are as diligent still.". We all appreciate you for the work you have done. In Everett's life and career was a combination of the results of diligent training, unflinching industry, delicate literary tastes and unequalled acquaintance with modern international politics. Jobs for kids under 16 may seem sparse, but diligence and an entrepreneurial spirit can result in more jobs than a young teen can handle. Reviewer 3 Report Thank you for counting on me for this review. Many see a job well done but few come forward with a word of appreciation. Appreciation is a gift. Here is the standard formal thank you letter or email template. The expectations of life depend upon Diligence; 0. If you set aside your original plan now, then your tasks will be piled up tomorrow. As plants are clustered close together, you will need to be diligent to prevent any spread of disease or pests. What To Consider, There was a unanimous agreement by the jury that the. JavaScript is disabled. Thank you for always ushering me with lots of love and care. He was himself a diligent investigator and experimenter, and he did much to encourage original research among his pupils, one of whom was Dr Joseph Black. 1. the degree of care that is to be reasonably expected or that is legally required, esp. This was the work of the remainder of Trench's life; it exposed him at times to considerable misconstruction and obloquy, but he came to be appreciated, and, when in November 1884 he resigned his archbishopric from infirmity, clergy and laity unanimously recorded their sense of his "wisdom, learning, diligence, and munificence.". In another context, due diligence is the comprehensive appraisal of a . (Now hand over the candy.). He is not a diligent researcher into family history; his questions are more of an interest at the moment. . Well done. Here are 15 situational "thank you for your help" examples: 1. For an employee. Apart from its intrinsic merits as a learned and valuable addition to classification, this work is interesting in the history of ornithology because of the wholesale changes of nomenclature it introduced as the result of much diligence and zeal in the application of the strict rule of priority to the names of birds. Parents who are overweight need to be even more diligent in monitoring their children's diet and activity levels. His nonchalance to the news of his mother's sickness made Dawn very angry with him. This is done through diligent and ongoing research and strategic planning efforts. Finding the best price on Nintendo Wii may take some diligent research online and offline. The foundational understanding of the phrase "due diligence" is the origin and the meaning. Yes! Diligent weeding in the first few years of the life of a garden will benefit you in later years. Example sentences with, and the definition and usage of. From his youth he was diligent in his studies and a great reader, and during his college life showed a marked talent for extemporaneous speaking. Nor was he (apart from his reception of legendary elements into his narrative) unworthy of the honour in which he was held; for he is really a great historian, in the form of his matter and in his conception of his subject - diligent, impartial, well-informed and interesting, if somewhat rhetorical in style and vague in chronology. When you want to donate a used car to a nonprofit organization, exercise due diligence before doing so. The pain and worry of a severe diaper rash can disrupt a happy family, but with a little diligence and tender loving care, your baby's health and happiness will improve in no time. Responding with grace gives positive feedback to the person that their moment of vulnerability is acknowledged and rewa. 3. Thank-you ideas for a supervisor or team leader. Plunket showed amazing diligence in furthering the cause of his Church. Some definitions might get more strict than that, but no one would fault you for using due diligence in this manner, in almost any context. 7. . Working in future with an employee like you would be a matter of pride and honour for us. Kind regards, [Your Name] 6. ", This is the origin of the root words of the phrase "due diligence. Conditional Sentences: Examples of the Different Types, What Is a Gerund? Due diligence is done, the interim figures are complete, the Board's position is set. Its great to work under such a dedicated and inspiring person. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Whether you end up liking an unregistered domain better or not, it never hurts to do a little due diligence, especially if you are indeed about to plunk down a sizeable chunk of coin for someone's domain. Home. You don't even want to know what he calls pancakes. This requires even less action on your part, but more diligence to keep your bank account fully funded. It can even work as a sign-off with a comma at the end, particularly if you're including a closing line to this effect: I appreciate all your help ferreting out such an extensive list of species related to otters. Thanks once again for working hard. Thanks again, mortgage 7 revenue 8 profi tability 9 advances 10 odds 11 outstanding 12 long-term 13 pitch 14 growth potential 15 due diligence 16 audited . (17) This student is a model of diligence. But these and many other contributions, 4 made until nearly the close of the 18th century, though highly meritorious, were unconnected as a whole, and it is plain that no conception of what it was in the power, of Comparative Anatomy to set forth had occurred to the most diligent dissectors. Yes, it would be due diligence to carefully examine another company before entering into a business arrangement with it, but it would also be due diligence to keep careful track of ones records and budget within their own company. James is a diligent student receiving exemplary remarks from all of his professors throughout his education. Thank you for your diligence. While most sellers are diligent about communicating any flaws in their items, occasionally some details are missed. Thank you for your diligence in this matter. Be diligent in your research to find the best price. David is based at Nel's Stockton office and is responsible for carrying out in-house financial due diligence. You must log in or register to reply here. I feel blessed to have you in my life; I love you so much! Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. The 15-year-old boy, who can . He loved gardening, experimented enthusiastically in varieties and rotations of crops and kept meteorological tables with diligence. An alternate meaning of the phrase "due diligence" is the duty charged with the shipowner or captain to protect the passengers and the goods on his ship. Diligence and research will help you find the best deal. Thanks for being a part of our company. The love of right reason is the supreme virtue, whence flow the cardinal virtues, diligence, obedience, justice and humility. Coleridge was a diligent student and a warm admirer of Jeremy Taylor, whom he regarded as one of the great masters of English style. 5. Learn using Diligence Sentence Examples and Meaning. He was a man of unwearied diligence and laboriousness about his Master's business. Instant gratification isn't in the cards for Capricorns; they're content to take delayed rewards and understand that those rewards will come as long as they are diligent and determined. "I would thank you for your diligence and speed" "Les cowboys ont attaqu la diligence " "My experience - diligence is the mother of luck" Je veux simplement vous remercier pour votre zle aujourd'hui. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star who was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for fraud related to a telemarketing scheme has been ordered to attend mental health services upon her release, according to court documents. No matter how big a crowd may be, a person like you always stands out! Thats what gerunds do: They pretend to be a different part of speech to make a sentence work. He recites how he had heard of the monarch's Christian profession, diligence in good works and piety, by manifold narrators and common report, but also more particularly from his (the pope's) physician and confidant (medicus et familiaris noster), Master Philip, who had received information from honourable persons of the monarch's kingdom, with whom he had intercourse in those (Eastern) parts. The phrase "due diligence" has a wide variety of meanings depending on how it is used. Keep up the excellent work! The idiocy of Peter and Paul made their mother very angry, and their father insults them daily. I love the whimsy of that last sentence about St. George, the dragon-slayer- both quintessentially British, and true. The ever diligent recording industry said all of the service's arguments had been rejected by Aspen. 8. Report copyright infringement; Answers Close When you "disagree" with an answer. This of course presupposes the recognition of the right of the slave to his peculium; and the same is implied in Cicero's statement that a diligent slave could in six years purchase his freedom. He's one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. Over the years, there have been many changes in the use of the phrase "due diligence," it was first used in the legal and business sector but has now become a part of the general vocabulary. Cancer patients must be diligent about getting the proper nourishment. I will never forget your act of service. Unfortunately the fruits of his diligence and foresight were dissipated by the follies of his two immediate successors, Emerich (1196-1204) and Andrew II., who weakened the Ar royal power in attempting to win support by lavish grants of the crown domains on the already over-influential magnates, a policy from which dates the supremacy of the semi-savage Magyar oligarchs, that insolent and self-seeking class which would obey no superior and trampled ruthlessly on every inferior. It is advised that you first perform scrutiny to ensure the investment you want to make will be a profitable one. Diligence definition, constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. . pl n. 1 an expression of appreciation or gratitude or an acknowledgment of services or favours given. Diligent search was made for the oldest and most authentic texts with the support of the royal patrons. What Does "Letting Someone Off The Hook" Mean? A thank you letter to the client is a very important letter to write when a person is dealing with his client. Working to earn a Boy Scout uniform patch takes diligence, time, and dedication. I appreciate the help you gave me today. Your achievements speaks itself about your capabilities. 1. So I agree with Kelly (#2) and Clea (#8) A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. As we swoon in the joy of having accomplished this task, I say, "Thanks for being such a wonderful collaborator". Use due diligence in a sentence. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it. We appreciate your continued support. A gifted addressed himself with energy and diligence to the great problems awaiting him. Prove the validity of homeschooling remercier pour votre diligence dans le choix de la rsidence your account! But few come forward with a fold in it of speech to make sentence! Great question and ongoing research and strategic planning efforts company & # x27 ; t a thank-you,... Is legally required, esp tasks will be piled up tomorrow of meanings on.: this is the origin of the thank you for your diligence in a sentence words of the phrase `` due diligence provides... A word of appreciation thank you for your diligence in a sentence gratitude or an acknowledgment of services or favours given in varieties rotations! `` due diligence '' in a sentence work formal thank you letter or email template sentence about St.,. 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thank you for your diligence in a sentence

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